How to connect a selfie stick?

Fashion is a lady who is difficult to resist. Even the most persistent and reject modern hobbies people, sooner or later try something out of interest. And now the stick for Selfie has now become almost an indispensable addition to modern smartphones. If you, too, are tempted and bought a self-stick monopod for yourself, the question of how to properly connect it, is relevant for you.

How to connect a Selfie stick to an Android?

On this platform, Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony operate. It is likely that after buying and pressing the button monopod will not work. Fortunately, this does not mean a malfunction of the gadget. The fact is that on the Android platform this button does not necessarily work correctly. To put it simply: the button itself works correctly, but the command will not be understood by the camera.

How will we act to connect the Selfie stick with a wire or with the help of bluetooth:

  1. First of all, we download the selfishop camera and insist on connecting the monopod. There everything will be painted literally in steps.
  2. If you have a model with a wire, connect it to the jack from the headset. To connect a stick for selfie through bluetooth, we act like the rest of such devices: turn on the stick itself, then search for the device we need on the smartphone in the list.
  3. Press the button pairing and wait until the device is recognized. Then you will see that the light diode on the stick went out, the inscription "Connected" pops up on the screen.
  4. Then go to the selfishop camera program and take a photo of yourself.

How to connect a selfie stick to an iphone 5?

Again, choose either a wireless or wired model. Before you connect a SELFY stick to the iphone 5, make sure that the selected model generally will work with your device. Compatible are Selphy Stick KJStar, Selfie King, Self-Prof.

How to connect a self stick with and without wire in this case:

  1. In work with a wired device, everything is simple, since here it is enough to connect the gadget with a familiar method.
  2. If the selected model is for wireless connection, press the power button. Then wait for the transition to the pairing mode. You can recognize the beginning of the work by flashing the indicator light.
  3. Next, turn on the bluetooth on your device and start searching for the self-stick. Select the desired device and wait for the start of the pairing.
  4. After successful pairing in standard applications, select Camera and start shooting.

Possible problems in the matter of how to connect a selfie stick

Most likely, the questions below will be relevant to you. The fact is that the first time to connect this gadget can not all. And depending on your device, there may be many reasons for this.

If your smartphone runs on Android, do not be lazy to download free Camera FV / 5 applications, SelphieShop Camera, The Cellfie. This will give you a comfortable and trouble free use.

Owners of the iPhone will be useful program BT Shutter from the App Store. It makes it possible to shift the shooting functions to the volume keys without difficulty. In addition, you will be able to impose various effects on the photos taken.

The hardest thing to do is to connect the self-stick to Windows Phone owners, since until recently these devices did not support self-recording at all. I had to download completely third-party programs for use. Now there is a proprietary development of Lumia Camera, which recognizes a stick for selfie.

Remember that this device does not work immediately with two phones. Before connecting to a new one, be sure to break the connection with the previous one. Remember that the charge gadget holds no more than an hour, it is better to turn it off after the photos taken.