Stages of obesity

Every year, overweight people are becoming more and more. The reason for this is often lack of exercise and poor nutrition. Modern man does not need to move much: his services include household appliances, vehicles and lift. This reduces the rate of physical activity for a healthy person every 10. And in the gym, not everyone can walk because of employment or lack of funds.

As far as nutrition is concerned, advertising intentionally creates at the consumer the wrong food preferences, and also the desire is a lot and delicious. Well, with them, it's all clear: they need to sell people as much as possible yogurt or chocolates to make a profit. So life under the motto "You do not deny yourself in pleasure!" Causes a person different stages of obesity .

Obesity is a painful condition in which the body weight exceeds the norm. It is the cause of many unpleasant "sores", for example, pancreatitis or diabetes, not to mention the problems with pressure and joints. Cardiovascular diseases obese people also suffer more often than slender ones.

How many degrees of obesity exists?

Usually consider 3 or 4 degrees. Stages (or degrees) of obesity are determined by the body mass index. To find out if you have any of them, you need to know your ideal weight.

Normal weight is most easily calculated by Brock's formula: growth minus 100 and minus another 10 or 15%.

The calculation of the degree of obesity is very simple. If your real weight exceeds normal by 10-30%, then this is the first degree.

If the difference is up to 50% - the second; from 50 to 100% - the third. And, at last, the fourth degree - when the normal weight is exceeded twice or more.

However, there are some differences as to how many degrees of obesity there are. Sometimes only three are isolated, combining the first two cases into one degree.

In any case, if the case is moving steadily towards the third or fourth stage, it is necessary to take immediate action without waiting for complications. If obesity is caused by hypodynamia and malnutrition, it is necessary to bring it back to normal: move more and eat well. It is best to exclude "fast" carbohydrates (sugar, white bread, confectionery, soda, fruit juice) and excess fats. To eat it is necessary it is fractional: 5-6 times a day. Thus, it will be possible to reduce weight of a body and not to finish the organism before a sad outcome.