Homeland of the aquarium catfish

The world of aquarium catfishes is very diverse and has about 800 species. This is a freshwater fish with a short body shape, a wide head and a flattened side. There are no scales on the body of the catfishes, and there are thorns on the fins. In the nature of these fish can be found in different parts of the world. Lovers of aquarium fish catfish affects their diversity of species.

Variety of catfish species

The homeland of the aquarium catfish is a cockroach of the family of armor or calligraphic - shallow water bodies of South America. This species lives in thickets of rivers with strong currents. In a drought buries deep in the mud. He likes soft soil. Burying, it does not damage plants. For this catfish is characteristic that he is an amateur to jump in height, so it is important that the aquarium is permanently closed from above.

The birthplace of the speckled catfish of the same family is South America, Argentina, Brazil, as well as Uruguay, Paraguay. These are schooling peaceful fish with a night peak of activity. It is also called an ordinary catfish, a simple catfish or a marble catfish. These fish are very unpretentious in their content. Therefore, they are recommended even for beginners of aquarium fish lovers.

On the sandy areas of the water bodies of South America, you can meet the bottom fish of a golden catfish. In captivity, it reaches no more than 7 cm in length. The catfish itself is yellowish brown in color. Oxygen grasps the mouth, and absorbs the back intestine. Moves spines, which are located on the pectoral fins. It is very interesting to observe the crawling of these catfish from place to place.

To the family of the shells is the catfish sparrow. South America is the homeland and this aquarium catfish.

Homeland of aquarium tigers catfish South America, Colombia, Brazil. These are predatory fish that feed on mussels, fish, worms. In the aquarium as a substrate will require sand and a lot of oxygen for existence. The predatory aquarium catfish tiger barbie loves live food: a pipe man, a bloodworm. Although they can eat and dry food.

Very interesting appearance of transparent catfish. The genus cryptopterus includes two kinds of transparent catfishes from Southeast Asia. A glass catfish can be found in India and Indonesia. In Europe for the first time were imported in 1934. They live in the middle water layers. Their body is transparent. The skeleton is clearly visible. Through the body you can see even the back wall of the aquarium. These fish are not aggressive and timid. Confident feel in flocks. Recommend to keep these fish for 5-6 pieces. Then they do not hide and quietly swim around the aquarium.

The homeland of hack soms is India, Burma, Sumatra. These catfish are distinguished by a powerful head, a wide mouth and a small dorsal fin. These are fish predators. They are active only at night.

The catfish adheres to the chain mail or lorikaryov catfish. It is distinguished by a large muzzle with suckers. With his muzzle, he cleans the algae from the walls of the aquarium for food. These catfishes are called pterygoiplichts or soma-cleaners. Distributed Pterigliocht ocharchevy. The homeland of the aquarium catfish adheres shallow inflows of large South American rivers, flooded with water jungle patches. Inhabits the thickets of plants.

For the brightness of coloring, pyeloid or flathead catfishes are valued. The motherland of this aquarium catfish is Mexico and Argentina. A somic-cuckoo or a multi-spotted catfish refers to a family of fimbrians. In nature, it lives in one of the largest African lakes in Tanganyika.

Shark catfish comes from Thailand. Loneliness for this catfish can cause stress. It's a schooling fish. With the sudden appearance of light or shadow, they rush along the aquarium at its surface. Even for fear of damage to their noses. Pretty big fish. Siamese shark catfish reach up to 30 cm. A, high-melting up to half a meter.

The homeland of the aquarium catfish of the inverse of Africa, the waters of the Congo River. When a danger occurs, it is turned upside down. In this position, he rests and eats.