Tablets for cats from a walk

The main problem faced by the owners of cats is a periodic celebration, during which the cat runs away in an unknown direction and returns in a few days. Instincts encourage the cat to mark the apartment and shoes in all places, and also meow until it is released. In this case, the owners have several ways to solve the problem. The first is surgical. Your cat is castrated and after that no desire to go out for him is not observed. The second way is more sparing and consists in medicamental intervention. There are special tablets for cats from walking, which easily replace castration, but your cat remains a full-fledged male.

Cat pills instead of castration

All tablets are divided into two types:

  1. Soothing . These are drops / herbal tablets that need to be given several times a day. The composition includes Leonurus, plantain, mint, cucumber, horsetail, hawthorn and other natural components. Such medications have a temporary effect and do not give a 100% guarantee of the result. Presented are: "Cat Bajun" and "Stop Stress".
  2. Hormonal . The composition includes antihistamines and hormones. Drugs reduce the production of testosterone, resulting in decreased sexual activity. Dosage: 4-7 drops (depending on the weight of the cat) once a day. When taking drops in animals, drowsiness and lethargy are also observed. Tablets for cats "Sex barrier" and "AntiSex" are presented.

In the range of presented and tablets for the cat from the cat. In this case, the tablets are given at the beginning of heat. Veterinarians say that when taking such medicines, it is necessary to undergo an examination of the animal in the clinic, because on the basis of hormonal changes in cats, ovarian cysts, glandular cancer and neoplasms in the uterus that can spread to other cat organs occur.