The yorkshire terrier

The yorkshire terrier is a special time in the life of both the dog and its owners. A dog is getting ready to become a mother, and its owners must take all necessary measures to prevent mating or to happen to an unwanted male.

Yorkshire Terrier - signs of estrus

The first heat in the Yorkshire Terrier occurs about 7-10 months, and then repeats regularly twice a year. Usually, heat flows pass in spring and autumn, although they may be at other times. The estrus does not depend on whether the puppy is currently feeding the dog or not. The female Yorkshire terrier during the estrus flirts with the male, so if there are signs of it, you need to isolate the dog or let only the male you choose. The signs of estrus are the behavior of the dog: it is not concentrated, active, disobedient. Then there are other signs of estrus in the Yorkshire terrier: the genital organs become red and swollen, and after a while, the discharge begins. The fever usually lasts 14-21 days, although it may be shorter (10-12 days).

Yorkshire terrier care during heat

When yorkshire terrier begins to heat, you need to stop dog training, because at this time it can not concentrate and properly execute commands. Also, as much as possible protect the dog from contact with other dogs, especially males. Sensing the ready-to-mating female, they begin to chase her, sometimes even come to her house, than inconvenience the owner of the york. If you are concerned about the discharge, you can periodically remove them with a cotton disc or a cloth dipped in water or buy special "diapers" for this time. The dog during the estrus should be walked strictly on a leash, because during this period they are prone to shoots. But then they, having satisfied their instincts, almost always come back. During estrus, your pets need love, increased attention and care from the owners.