The largest domestic cats

Many believe that a large cat - this is a big problem in terms of food, their behavior and order in the house. However, this is not quite true. The largest domestic cats are often more graceful, elegant and obedient than their little relatives.

What breed of domestic cats is the largest?

  1. Chartreuse is a blue large French cat, distinguished by a special "taciturnity". From her only sometimes you can hear a weak purr. These cats are smart, flexible and unpretentious, and also very devoted to their master.
  2. The short - tailed pixie-Bob looks like a lynx. Cats can weigh up to 10 kg. Animals of this breed are unobtrusive, gentle and tactful. They are very attached to their masters, actively participate in all domestic affairs, resourceful, smart and intelligent.
  3. Cat Ragdoll with a chic appearance has an accommodating nature. These blue-eyed creatures get on well with children, are completely non-aggressive, and their character is calm and friendly.
  4. The weight of an adult Turkish Van can reach 9 kg. This cat is sober and independent, intelligent and easy to train. However, he does not like living in an apartment, so keep it better in a private home. Cats will be excellent companions for any family member.
  5. One of the largest breeds is the Maine Coon cat. Some individuals of this breed weigh more than 15 kg. This beautiful noble cat with tassels on the ears and thick hair is like a lynx.
  6. The weight of large and tall cats of the Savannah breed can reach 15 kg. This short-haired animal is very active, loves to jump and run. Therefore, to keep such a cat requires enough space. Savannah is very intelligent, inquisitive and friendly.
  7. Chausi or domestic cane cat sometimes reaches 18 kg in weight. This cat with wild grace is intelligent, affectionate and curious. Care for her is simple, because the domestic pet is completely unpretentious. 7.