How to name the tortoise of a boy?

To date, it is by no means a rarity home, which contains one or even several pets. Some traditionally acquire cats or dogs. Others prefer more exotic animals, for example, turtles. But even a tortoise , living at home, must have a name. And if the choice of a name for cats-dogs, especially thoroughbreds, everything is simple enough and orderly, even subject to specific rules, then when choosing a name for turtles many owners may experience some difficulties. So, let's look at a specific case and understand the question of how to name the tortoise of a boy.

Names for Boys' Turtles

It should be noted immediately that there are no specific rules for choosing a name for turtles, in particular for turtles-boys-rely on your preferences. Although, there are some recommendations. First of all, bringing a turtle into the house, watch it a little (in this case - for him). It is possible that some of the characteristic habits of your pet will tell you how to call it. For example, a fairly quickly moving boy, you can call a Sprinter, Champion, or somewhat humorous Wind; gracefully moving boy is quite suitable name Dancer, Twist or Waltz. Since both terrestrial turtles and waterfowl are kept in the home, the name can be chosen starting from this point: Admiral, Sailor, Boatswain, Nelson, Nemo, Barguzin, Karakum.

How else can you call a turtle a boy? Names in honor of favorite literary characters and movie heroes, poets and composers, actors and directors, cartoon characters, fairy tales, Greek mythology are distributed. Here are some examples of names for turtles-boys: Jack (from Jack Sparrow), Tom (from Tom Sawyer), Brahms, Beethoven, Darwin, Orpheus, can not do, of course (especially if the house has children) and without the names of many cartoon turtles-ninja, Michelangelo, Donatello , Raphael or Leonardo.

But these are all names of foreign origin. And how to call the turtle a Russian boy, can I pick up some original name? Yes, any number! - Buttercup, Tail, Cupcake, Captain, Pirate. Some give their pantcer-bearing favorites human names - Pashka, Vanyusha, Tolya, Misha, Nile, Kuzya.

Remember, whatever name you choose for your pet, it should cause only positive associations.