Cat Flu - Symptoms and Treatment

Everyone knows that cats suffer from various infectious diseases. As in humans, they have pneumonia, bronchitis, coughing, or a runny nose. No animal is immune from this. Many people are frightened by articles on the Internet that cat flu not only mows pets, but also because it is dangerous to humans. Fortunately, all this is another fairy tale-horror stories, which journalists themselves come up with for gullible public. This disease has a viral nature, but it affects only cats. The hostess can not be afraid that she will soon sneeze or cough along with her Murka. What really is this infection and for whom is it really dangerous?

What is feline flu?

Call it in cats two viruses - calciviroz and rhinotracheitis (herpes). The first causes a runny nose, a sneezing, on the mucous membrane of the mouth can even form sores if the disease has gone very far. But herpes is able to hit the lungs, the trachea and all other respiratory organs. As with human influenza, babies and old people are also primarily affected by the virus, as well as animals that, for various reasons, do not have permanent immunity, or have recently undergone another disease. For people and other pets, this infection is not dangerous. We list the main symptoms of feline flu - discharge from the eyes, nose, cough, fever, loss of appetite, weakness, ulcers in the nose and tongue, increased salivation.

How to treat feline flu?

There is a vaccine (Nobivac and others), but they do not give a full guarantee that your pet will avoid infection. First isolate the sick animal from other cats, determine it in a warm and draft-free place, be sure to contact the veterinarian. Treatment of a cat's house flu independently and without the help of a specialist is fraught with consequences, because this disease often leads to death, especially in small kittens. Human drugs like aspirin can not be taken by animals. Usually prescribed Fosprenil, Klamoksil, cephalosporins, vitamin and immunomodulating drugs ( Gamavit ).