Cats that do not molt

If you decide to have a cat, then you must know about such a problem as molting. Each owner needs to be prepared for the fact that twice a year for 3-4 weeks in the house wool will appear. She can be even where she is not expected to see. Furniture, carpets, clothes - everything will need a good cleaning. Thus, before you have a fluffy pet, you need to think carefully. Maybe cats that do not molt would interest you more?

What breeds of cats do not shed?

Canadian Sphynx . Very short coat of this breed resembles suede. When you look at the animal, it seems that it is completely hairless. This cute creature can be of medium to large size, has strong bones, developed muscles, huge ears and wide eyes. Such cats will become for their owners not just a pet, but a true friend. The Sphinx is very affectionate and intelligent.

Peterbald (St. Petersburg Sphinx) . The colors of these cats are very different. The animal has a long and narrow head, eyes like almonds and large ears, dilated in the sides. Kindness and devotion are the main qualities of a pet.

Don Sphynx . The breeds of cats that do not molt include also this cute animal, whose body does not have a single hair, in contrast to the Canadian Sphinx. High legs with thin fingers, a long tail, large eyes and large ears - all these are characteristic features of an affectionate, kind and absolutely not aggressive creation.

Devon Rex . The breed has an unusual appearance. Their wool is soft, curly and short, sometimes the skin is bald. The molting of these cats is not so obvious as in others. This is influenced by the fact that the guard hair is practically absent in these animals. They almost do not cause allergies, and this is for many people is the main factor in choosing a kitten.

Cornish Rex . This breed is very similar to creatures not from our planet. The wool of cats also does not have hairs, but only a short, wavy undercoat. Animals practically do not shed, very friendly and kind.

In Siamese , Oriental and Tonkin breeds, wool is also dropped in very small quantities.

Think about what kind of cats are a little molting, we are also allergic to wool. But it must be remembered that it does not affect the disease in any way, and the cause is hidden in the saliva of the animal. Thus, before you get a pet, you need to think carefully which friend you want, and whether it will affect your health. Maybe it's not the shedding cats that will impress you.