Dysbacteriosis in newborns

During the development of the baby in the womb, its intestines are completely sterile - there are no microorganisms in it. Initially, the bacteria get there through the mouth already during passage through the birth canal. In the first few days of life, colonization of the intestine with microflora occurs. She gets into the body crumbs from her mother when touched, kissed, and, of course, along with colostrum when applying to her breasts

So, in the first week of life, the main "residents" of the digestive system of a healthy and full-term baby are bifidobacteria or, in a different way, probiotics. Their reproduction is promoted by special substances contained in the colostrum. By the first month, the gastrointestinal tract is populated with lactobacilli. These two types of microorganisms constitute up to 99% of healthy, correct flora of the baby on breastfeeding. Normal is also considered the presence of a small amount of streptococci, micrococci, enterococci, as well as E. coli.

This ratio of microorganisms allows the newborn to be in harmony with the environment. And any violation of the quantitative or qualitative balance of the flora is called the intestinal dysbiosis. The disadvantage or even the absence of one type of bacteria leads at least to a breakdown in the work of the intestine, and even to a violation of metabolism, immunity and food allergy.

The cause of dysbiosis in newborns can be:

Symptoms of dysbiosis in newborns

Dysbacteriosis in newborns - treatment

When developing dysbiosis in newborns, the first and most powerful tool is constant breastfeeding. Mom's milk has everything you need to prevent dehydration.

Dysbacteriosis is a much more serious disease than it might seem at first glance. Therefore, you can not run it or engage in self-medication. You just need to see a doctor and after the analysis for dysbiosis (you need to bring a sample of the baby's chair to the laboratory) you will be given the necessary drugs. In newborns, often, the microflora can be normalized by frequent application to the breast and changes in the diet of the mother.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis occurs in three stages:

  1. Suppression of pathogenic microflora.
  2. Promoting the improvement of digestion.
  3. Gastectomy with lactobacilli and probiotics.

For the prevention of dysbiosis in newborns, it is necessary to treat chronic foci of infections (teeth, digestive and reproductive systems) before pregnancy, and also to maintain a diet. The use of nitrate-containing products, smoked products is bad. Very useful in this period are juices, berries, fruits and everything that contains fiber.

All parents need to remember that the health of a crumb depends only on them. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor any changes in the condition and behavior of the baby and respond in a timely manner to these signals. After all, everyone knows that the disease is easier to prevent or "cut down on the root" than after a long time to treat.