Causes of uncontrolled weight gain

Sometimes you can not understand why the weight is constantly growing, like there are no special reasons, and the arrow on the scale is off scale. It is necessary to understand that extra pounds appear not only because of calories and the reason can be, for example, hormonal failure of the body. Each person can have different reasons for excess weight, and only a visit to the doctor will help in this case.

1. Medications

In the instructions of many medications you can find information about side effects, among which there is an increase in body weight. These include the following drugs: hormonal drugs, birth control pills, steroids, anti-stroke drugs and many others. Also, prolonged use of antidepressants, can contribute to weight gain of up to 4-5 kg ​​per month. If you notice that taking certain medications caused the appearance of extra pounds, then you should consult a doctor to prescribe another medicine that does not have such a side effect.

2. Problems with the intestines

In a healthy person, bowel evacuation occurs an average of one and a half hours after a meal 1-2 times a day. The cause of constipation is most often a lack of fluid or fiber in the body, an inadequate amount of beneficial bacterial flora, and a sedentary lifestyle. If you only have constipation, then it is enough to take probiotics and the problem will disappear. To avoid problems with the intestines, do not drink at least 2 liters of water daily, eat foods that contain fiber .

3. The body lacks the amount of nutrients

When the body lacks certain vitamins and trace elements, for example, iron and vitamin D, immunity decreases, the metabolic rate decreases, which in turn contributes to uncontrolled weight gain.

Very often to improve your mood and mood, you start eating simple carbohydrates, lie in front of the TV with a piece of cake and then wonder why you gained a couple of extra pounds. In this case, it is recommended to use vitamin-mineral complexes and monitor nutrition.

4. Age can also affect your weight

Age does not favorably affect the metabolic rate in the body. In order not to gain extra pounds, experts recommend to lead an active lifestyle and monitor their nutrition. Replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones, so you do not need to worry about extra pounds.

5. Problems with the musculoskeletal system

The cause of the appearance of extra pounds can be such diseases: osteoporosis, knee problems, etc. And all because such diseases reduce activity, and, consequently, the number of calories burned decreases. To avoid this, find an alternative sporting activity, for example, if you can not run, go swimming.

6. The presence of diabetes, hypothyroidism and other diseases

Some diseases have a negative effect on the metabolic rate, which in turn contributes to the appearance of unwanted fat in the body.

People who have diabetes, most often suffer from excess weight. Some women may develop hypothyroidism, which in turn significantly slows down the metabolic rate.

If you still think that the appearance of extra pounds is associated with some diseases, then you need to see a doctor and take the necessary tests.

7. Climax

Menopause is the cause of excess weight. And all because the ovaries stop working and give their functions to fatty tissue, which because of this should increase. In this case, only nutrition will help. Eat less fat, eliminate simple carbohydrates and eat protein. If this does not help, the doctor can prescribe hormone replacement drugs for you.