Continuity of kindergarten and school

The continuity of the kindergarten and the school is to establish a link in the content of educational and educational work and in the methods of its implementation. The continuity of preschool and primary school education provides for the admission of children with a certain level of development to the school that meets the requirements of modern education, and on the other hand, the school must rely on the knowledge already acquired by preschool children, the skills for applying them in the future. Proceeding from this, the key moment in realization of continuity of preschool and school education is the level of the child's readiness for school .

Basic indicators of readiness for school:

Teachers working in kindergartens are confidently guided by the requirements for children when enrolling in the first grade. Based on these criteria, pre-school children are trained for systematic study. In turn, primary school teachers make extensive use of gaming techniques to improve learning efficiency.

The preparation of a preschool child for schooling does not begin in the preparatory group , as many believe. Starting from the younger preschool age, systematic work is carried out with observance of continuity of preschool education in different age groups. But it is in the last year of the children's stay in the kindergarten that the process becomes more intensive and focused. The program of pre-school education, held with children 5 - 7 years, provides continuity both through special training (mathematics, literacy, speech development, familiarization with the environment), and general training (psychological development, the formation of fine motor skills, education of discipline, )

Kindergarten and school interaction

To ensure the continuity of the kindergarten and primary school, it is important to organize the joint work of educational institutions of different levels, which includes three areas:

Methodical activity includes conducting practical seminars with teachers and teachers in the preparatory groups of the kindergarten and lessons in the first grades of the school, discussion of the current problems on joint councils with a view to improving the forms and methods of children's development.

Work with parents provides for the design of information stands with thematic materials, holding parental meetings, meetings of round tables with the invitation of teachers and psychologists of the school, individual consultations on assistance in preparing the child for training.

Work with children is of no small importance. Future first-graders get acquainted with the school during specially organized excursions. A visit to the sports hall, school museum and library, and study rooms ensures the children's motivational readiness for school. Also contribute to the formation of the desire to go to school visiting children-graduates of a kindergarten and joint concerts, exhibitions of hand-made articles, drawings.

Establishing continuity of pre-school and school education can facilitate the unloading of the school curriculum due to the fact that certain topics have already been mastered by children in preschool institutions, and more conscious training of educators of their pupils to the next life stage.