Can I drink tap water?

Still some two or three decades ago people did not think much about the suitability for drinking water from the tap and used it extensively for domestic needs, but today everything has changed. Many began to doubt whether it is possible to drink tap water, because the ecological situation in the world has deteriorated significantly, in medicine, cases of poisoning with tap water have been recorded, and the scum left on the dishes and teapot makes you think about your health.

Is it harmful to drink tap water?

Of course, the water that is purified at the enterprises of the city water canal meets all sanitary and epidemiological norms, but when it enters the distribution network it is polluted again. The presence of suspended solids is indicated by turbidity, colloidal iron compounds - color, chlorine, its derivatives and iron oxide bacteria - odor and taste. Covered with rust and harmful compounds, pipes separate boron, lead and arsenic into the transported fluid, which often cause allergic reactions. In addition, arsenic is a dangerous carcinogen that can cause cancer, and biooxidable dissolved organic carbon attacks the immune system, increasing the risk of developing cancer.

Now it is clear why you can not drink tap water, but not only because of this. It's not a secret that the drinking liquid is subject to mandatory chlorination, and although the regulatory authorities claim that the chlorine concentration in the water is within the norm and is not capable of causing significant harm to the health, asthmatics and allergies have negative effects even in small doses. In addition, in water chlorine reacts with other organic compounds. One such compound is trichloromethane, and numerous experiments on laboratory animals with his participation have shown that he is the main culprit in the appearance of cancer in them.

Is it possible to drink boiled water?

Those who are interested in whether it is possible to drink tap water, treated with boiling, it is worth noting that it is possible to get rid of bacteria in this way, but there is no chlorine. At elevated temperatures, the concentration of highly volatile components decreases, but the concentration of non-volatile components increases. You can not drink water from the tap and because today it is considered one of the main culprits for the appearance of stones in the urinary organs. It often includes antibiotics , painkillers and hormones that enter reservoirs with water from sewerage and wastewater from farmlands.