Degrees of obesity by body mass index

Obesity is one of the urgent problems of the modern world. In fact, this is a chronic disease that is caused by a violation of fat metabolism. It is important to note that not only the figure of a person suffers, but also internal organs and body systems.

There are different degrees of obesity in terms of body mass index, which can be calculated thanks to the existing formula. Knowing the number, you can determine whether there is excess weight and how many kilos need to be thrown off to reach the norm.

How to calculate the degree of obesity?

Nutritionists and many professionals worked on the derivation of a formula that would allow us to determine whether a person has excess weight or vice versa, there is a lack of kilograms. To calculate the body mass index (BMI), you need to divide your weight in kilograms by the height in meters, which you need to square. Consider an example to calculate the degree of obesity in a woman, whose weight is 98 kg, and the height of 1.62 m, you need to use the formula: BMI = 98 / 1.62x1.62 = 37.34. After that, you need to use the table and determine if there is a problem. In our example, the obtained body mass index indicates that a woman has obesity of the first degree and attempts should be made to correct everything so as not to start the problem even more.

Classification of degrees of obesity

Body mass index The correspondence between the mass of a person and his growth
16 or less Pronounced shortage of weight
16-18.5 Insufficient (deficiency) body weight
18.5-25 Norm
25-30 Overweight (pre-fat)
30-35 Obesity of the first degree
35-40 Obesity of the second degree
40 and more Obesity of the third degree (morbid)

Description of obesity by BMI:

  1. 1 degree. People who fall into this category do not have serious complaints, except for excess weight and ugly figure.
  2. 2 degree. This group also includes people who do not yet have major health problems and if they take themselves in hand and start treatment, serious consequences can be avoided.
  3. 3 degree. People who fall into this category are already beginning to complain about the appearance of fatigue and weakness, even with minimal physical exertion. You can also see the appearance of problems with the heart rate, as well as an increase in the size of the organ.
  4. 4 degree. In this case, people have serious problems with the work of the cardiovascular system. A person with this degree of BMI complains of pain in the heart and arrhythmia. In addition, there are problems with the work of the digestive tract, liver, etc.

Due to the definition of BMI it is possible not only to determine the degree of obesity, but also the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other diseases that appear due to excess weight.

To get rid of obesity, you can not starve and severely restrict yourself in eating, as this can lead to an aggravation of the problem. It is necessary to consult a dietician and a doctor, because experts will help to make an individual program for getting rid of excess weight without harming one's health.