Ureaplasma during pregnancy

This conditionally pathogenic microorganism, like ureaplasma, is often found during pregnancy. The thing is that the hormonal adjustment that has begun is changing the state of balance in the vagina. This fact is in most cases the trigger mechanism for the development of such a disease as ureaplasmosis. Let's consider it in detail and find out: whether ureaplasma is dangerous during pregnancy, how its treatment is carried out.

How does the infection occur?

Until recently, the disease belonged to sexual infections, tk. the main way of its transmission is sexual. However, a detailed study of the pathogen revealed that it can be present in the reproductive system without causing any symptomatology. Exacerbation of the disease occurs only when a favorable environment for the bacterium. In this case, they begin to multiply actively, the first symptoms of the disease appear. To exclude the latent course of the disease, all pregnant women are prescribed swabs from the vagina.

If we talk specifically about the causes of ureaplasma in women during pregnancy, it is worth noting that this often leads to infection from the sexual partner. However, this microorganism is present in the vaginal microflora of most women, getting there from the environment, long without showing itself. There is a so-called carrier.

How is ureaplasma manifested during pregnancy?

The first signs of the disease appear only after some time after infection. However, the symptoms are so unobvious that some women may not attach importance to them. After ingestion, small mucous discharges may appear, which disappear after a short time.

In view of the fact that during pregnancy, the body's defenses decrease, the disease begins to progress. There is a burning sensation in the vagina, soreness with urination.

How is the diagnosis of the disease carried out?

Ureaplasma in pregnant women can be detected by conducting a bacteriological study, also by polymerase chain reaction. For the first, a swab from the vagina is taken, and a morning portion of urine is also examined. PCR allows you to determine the presence of pathogens in the smear for 5 hours, but does not reflect the complete picture of the disease, the number of microorganisms in the reproductive system.

What are the consequences of development in women with pregnancy ureaplasma?

The most formidable is the interruption of gestation, which is often noted at a very short time. Thus, the formation of malformations of the fetus leads to his death and spontaneous abortion.

Also, a similar pathogen can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system: inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

The development of ureaplasmosis during childbearing can lead to the development of intrauterine infection. In addition, if the infection does not occur during the gestation process, in about half the cases the infant becomes infected when passing through the birth canal of a woman. As a result, the defeat of the respiratory system develops.

How is ureaplasma treated during pregnancy?

As a rule, physicians take wait and see tactics when this pathogen is detected. Periodically sampling biological material for analysis.

Treatment of the disease starts only at 30 weeks, as part of the sanitation of the birth canal. For the duration of treatment, sexual intercourse should be completely excluded. As drugs, antibacterial agents, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. The course of treatment, the choice of the drug, its dosage, the frequency of admission is prescribed exclusively by the doctor who oversees the pregnancy.

Thus, ureaplasmosis can be treated during pregnancy. Efficacy depends on the time of onset, the stage of the disease, the severity of compliance with medical recommendations and prescriptions.