The Greek god of fertility

Dionysus is the Greek god of fertility. He was also considered the patron of winemaking. His father was Zeus, and his mother was an ordinary mortal woman, Semel. Hera was very jealous of her husband and in a deceptive way persuaded Semel to ask Zeus to come to her and showed all his strength. With his lightning, he set fire to the house of his beloved and she died, but managed to give birth to a premature baby. Zeus sewed Dionysus in his thigh and at the appointed time he was born again.

What is known about the fertility god in Greece?

They also considered Dionysus the patron of joy and rapprochement of people. In his power were also the spirits of the forest and animals. The God of fertility was also responsible for the inspiration that he gave to other people. The symbol of Dionysus was considered a vine or ivy. The sacred plants for this god were fig and spruce. Among the animals, the symbols of Dionysus were: bull, deer, lion and dolphin. In ancient Greece, the fertility god was portrayed as a young boy or baby. On his head was a wreath of vine or ivy. The attribute of this god was a rod with a spruce cone, decorated with ivy or grapes. Called it a dir. The main ability and power of Dionysus is the ability to send madness to others.

Worshiped the ancient Greek god of fertility Bacchante and maenads, who pursued Dionysos on his heels. They decorated themselves with leaves of grapes. In their songs they glorified the god of fertility. Dionysus constantly traveled the world and taught everyone winemaking. Thanks to his powers, he could remove from earthly cares, duties, and also in his power to calm the human grief. The Greeks revered Dionysus and held various celebrations in his honor. On them, people put on goats' skins and sang songs dedicated to God. Sometimes the holidays ended in a real frenzy, during which animals and even children were killed.