Speech in Psychology

The concept of speech in psychology is deciphered as a system of sound signals used by man, written notations for the transmission of information baggage. Some researchers have also been described as a process of materialization and transmission of thoughts.

Speech and language in psychology is a system of conventionally accepted symbols that help to convey words, in the form of a combination of sounds that have a certain meaning for people. The difference between language and speech lies in the fact that language is an objective, historically formed system of words, while speech is an individual psychological process of the formation and transmission of thoughts through language.

Functions of speech in psychology

Psychology considers speech, first of all, as one of the higher mental functions of man. Its structure coincides with the structure of any other type of activity. Speech includes:

Language acts as a tool for mediating speech.

Next, consider the main functions of speech.

  1. Significative or nominative. The essence of it is to denote, name, objects and phenomena around us. Thanks to it, mutual understanding between people is based on the initially common system of designation of objects, both talking and perceiving information.
  2. Generalizing. It deals with the fact that it identifies the leading signs, essence, and objects and unites them into groups according to some similar parameters. The word denotes not a single object, but a whole group of objects similar to it and always is the bearer of their prominent features. This function is inextricably linked with thinking.
  3. Communicative. Provides information transfer. It differs from the above two functions in that it has a manifestation, both in oral and in written language. This difference is related to internal psychological processes.

Types of Speech - Psychology

In psychology, there are two main types of speech activity:

1. External. It includes both oral and written language.

2. Internal. A special kind of speech activity. For internal speech is characteristic on the one hand, fragmentation and fragmentation, on the other hand, it excludes the possibility of incorrect perception of the situation. However, if you want, you can stop the internal dialogue.

Communication and speech in psychology combine these two types of speech activity, since in the initial stages, inner speech is involved, and then external speech is used.

The psychology and culture of speech are inextricably linked. The culture of speech is the organization of linguistic means, which under modern conditions allows the most laconic and informative expression in a particular life situation in such a way that the listener correctly perceives the information received. That's why, if you want to appear to be a cultured and highly intelligent person, you need to watch not only your appearance and behavior, but also your speech. The ability to correctly speak, is very valued at all times, and if you can master this skill, then all doors will be open before you.