How to make a wish card?

Each person has his goals, plans, dreams and desires, which each of us tries to implement throughout his life. The right map of desires will help to approach your aspirations. Many people argue that after making a wish card by their own hands, their dreams begin to come true. It turns out that correctly stated desires in combination with personal energy give the necessary message to the Universe, and the map begins to be reflected in the real world. Strictly speaking, the map is a visual representation of the desired desires.

When is it better to make a wish card?

To start creating a wish card is worthwhile, only being in a good mood. It is necessary to feel your dreams and display your future on paper.

How to make a wish card?

To understand how to make a wish card, first of all, you need to realize that you can not be afraid to dream. In dreams, the whole life must be built. Its goals need not only to represent, but also to feel. Thus, the power of thought that helps in the realization of desires is launched. It is not necessary to display other people's desires on the map, their fulfillment will not bring long-awaited joy. Many famous and famous people made a map of desires and as a result became what they are. Their dreams must be specified in such a way that they can be brightly and colorfully displayed in pictures.

How to make a wish card correctly?

You can draw a wish card in any format. The ideal size is the A3 format. The sheet must be divided into nine identical parts. The principles of feng shui say that each of the nine geographical directions corresponds to one of the vital aspects of man.

In the center of the card will be health. There should be glued your photo showing happiness, a smile. A photo can be glued only to the one where you like yourself. After health, you can fill in the circle all the other squares. On top you need to place a cell of glory. Then, moving counter-clockwise to arrange wealth, family, knowledge, career , travel, children and love. The sequence of sectors must be observed.

How to create a wish card?

  1. Describing the selected images, it is important to carefully select each word and specify the data. In the "Health" sector, you can depict a beautiful body with the signature "I'm slender, I weigh 55 kg". You can not write the words "thin" and "lose weight," because they contain the root "bad", which is already bad in itself.
  2. The "Wealth" sector can be represented by a picture with an impressive denomination of a denomination. To sign such a visualization can be as follows: "On my bank account $ 1000000".
  3. The "Career" square can contain a drawing or a photo of a successful firm. Write over it: "I am the head of company N, the salary of my salary ... and the scope of my duties ..."
  4. In the "Family" sector, you can put a picture of your family in a happy and joyful moment. Or choose the image of the ideal family to which you aspire.
  5. And in the box "Marriage" there should be a picture that represents prosperous family relations. Describing his soul mate, it is important to use words like "loyalty", "love", "understanding" and "support."

If you approach the question of creating a wish card with pleasure and creative scope, the result will become even more effective. It is important to remember the specifics. If you want a white car of a particular brand, find a photo of this particular car and always white. In the process of issuing a card it is worthwhile to imagine that the wishes have already come true, and you have everything that is depicted on the wish card.