The system of the fly-lady

If we consider the concept of the "fly-lady system" verbatim, it turns out that this is a woman who knows how to fly. The most interesting thing is that in part this is the essence of this system: housewives, as if gaining wings, and all the home chaos from one swing, turns into perfect purity and order.

Fly-ladies for beginners

Before turning to the main commandments of the fly-lady, it should be noted that not so long ago, in 1999, a housewife named Marla Scilly, having managed to cope with the eternal cleaning of her home, decided to share with a lot of the same as she women secrets of effective struggle against housekeeping. At first these were usual electronic mailings, and already now on the shelves of stores you can find valuable manuals such as "How to become a fly-lady?".

If women engaged in achieving success in their own business deal with time management reference books, then for those whose daily responsibilities include creating home warmth and comfort, they can apply this system in their lives, very much like the process of organizing time for housewives .

How to start a fly lady system?

So, the first thing you need to know for those who want to always keep up with the housekeeping are the main concepts suggested by Marla Scilly:

  1. Journal or daily journal . Having got it, you can easily understand your own affairs and responsibilities. So, it is recommended to record not only global plans like plywood wallpaper in the bedroom, but also various small ones. At the same time, plans should be implemented the next day. In addition, we should not forget about the section dedicated to phone numbers of relatives, friends, doctors, etc. Also in this journal it is necessary to include personal lists of desired acquisitions, ideas, tasks.
  2. Separation into zones . Each site in the house should be divided into spaces. At the same time for each of them it is necessary to allocate a week (7 days for cleaning the kitchen, seven - for the bathroom, etc.).
  3. Ordinary . This includes everything that so quickly bothers from day to day, but it is so necessary for implementation (to bring children to school, to bring oneself in order, etc.).
  4. Time . At your fingertips there should always be a timer in order to devote not more than 20 minutes a day to those things that you do not really want to do, but you need to. At the same time, such activities are able to collect a whole day (for example, every day for 15 minutes to put things in a closet and after a couple of days in the dressing room you can find the perfect order).
  5. Appearance . You should never forget about your appearance . A woman, even the one who sits at home 24 hours a day, should look so that at any moment she should not be ashamed to accept unexpected guests.

The main principles of the fly-lady system, the ideal house cleaning

The rules of the fly-lady system say that you always need to get rid of unnecessary things. The junk can only occupy valuable free space. In the end, such things can be given to the needy.

Every housewife knows that there are places in her house that are daily one way or another, but are covered with mud. Here they must always be kept clean, and not wait until mold sprouts out there.

The fly-lady is perfect for working women. The main thing is to switch to the system gradually. It should be noted that this system is not just housekeeping. It teaches you how to effectively manage your own time, life. In addition, over time, there is an unthinkable self-respect for yourself.