Lace Wedding - Gift Ideas and Design

Lacy wedding is a tangible time, showing the power of the couple's love, their ability to forgive . It is believed that the patterns of family life every year are woven more and more skillfully, it is no less difficult work than the works of the skilled workers. If a couple with difficulties copes, then it will be as beautiful as lilies of the valley. Therefore the second name of this anniversary is lily-of-the-valley wedding.

Lace wedding - this is how many years?

Lacy anniversary of the wedding is considered mysterious and mystical, because it falls on the figure "13". There is a sign that ostensibly on this day there are quarrels between husband and wife, as demons check the stability of marriage, so many couples are afraid of the date to celebrate, and very vain. After all, in such a holiday long held special rites for the protection of the family, guarding against the machinations of evil forces. To those who are too superstitious, it is worth remembering that the 13th anniversary of life together is also a lily-of-the-valley wedding, a flower of love and beauty.

What to present for a lace wedding?

Celebrate the 13th anniversary of family life taken in the family or close friends, it is desirable to invite guests who were present at the wedding. The wedding anniversary provides for gifts, it is customary to give things necessary for home, in which there is lace. What can you give a lace wedding - the choice of the guests is wide:

What gifts for a lace wedding friends?

Choosing a gift, it is best to start from the name of the anniversary - a lace wedding, then the present will become not only memorable, but also symbolic. If you show your imagination and do not be too lazy in finding the right one, you can find a very interesting gift and please your friends. What is given to a lace wedding to friends:

  1. Bed linen with a pattern of lilies of the valley.
  2. Towels, tied with a ribbon ribbon.
  3. Service for 13 people.
  4. Tea set with lace napkins.
  5. Wards from evil spirits: a birch broom, a horseshoe, a figurine of a housekeeper.
  6. Wicker pot with artificial lily of the valley.
  7. Any figurine made from aspen.
  8. A ship made of wood with openwork sails, can be scarlet.

What to give a lace wedding to his wife?

A gift for a lace wedding should be chosen for each other and the wife. It is best to buy a symbolic gift, not from household use, because the necessary utensils can be bought at any time. Light, airy, romantic - the most competent choice. What to give a lace wedding to her husband's beloved wife:

  1. A set of lacy underwear, the main thing is to know the exact size.
  2. Decoration with lace elements. You can pack in an original woven box.
  3. Tray with lace ornaments, if you put a bowl with lilies of the valley on it, the gift will become especially memorable.
  4. Casket for decorations, decorated with sign flowers.
  5. A lace scarf.
  6. Dress with original lace.
  7. Fashion handbag decorated with openwork handkerchief.

What to present to her husband for a lace wedding?

It's slightly harder to pick up a present for a man, but the task is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Remember the enthusiasm of the "newlywed", for example, an inveterate fisherman will be pleased with a novelty-rod, tied with an openwork ribbon. There are other options in the same design:

  1. His favorite toilet water.
  2. Plaid complete with a book.
  3. Wicker furniture for dachas or verandas of your own house.
  4. Painting with painted lilies of the valley.
  5. Sweater with original openwork patterns.

Lace Wedding - Ideas

Lacy wedding decoration provides for special. For a long time the sign has remained: tablecloths and napkins are always laid on the table. Since lace was called the best amulet, guests and masters were wearing things with ornaments or brought such handkerchiefs. The date is celebrated with the family as the most pleasant anniversary, but you can also arrange a picnic for relatives and friends. The original will be a themed party, when guests will come to congratulate with a lace wedding with lilies of the valley or in lace clothing.

There are many traditions preserved for the 13th anniversary of the wedding, they can become the highlight of a modern party:

  1. The wife wears a lace handkerchief, and the husband - the same collar.
  2. The couple gives a house handkerchief out of lace, and asks to protect the house from demons. Previously, the present was attached under the stove, in the present apartment any warm place would suit.
  3. The couple plant a birch and tie a lace belt around it. There is a sign that this tree is protecting from demons.
  4. The house is decorated with a wreath of aspen or nettle branches, the Slavs called it the strongest amulet against spoiling . Prayed in advance by the women of the family, and the men collected from the remains of twigs brooms and swept the dung from the house - along with possible misfortunes.