Increased uterine tone in pregnancy

Elevated uterine tone is the most common pathology in pregnancy. At different periods of pregnancy, increased tonus has various causes. So, in the early stages, hypertension is associated with a low production of progesterone in the yellow body, and in the late ones - rapid growth of the fetus, multiple pregnancy, deformities of the uterus (myoma). We will consider possible clinical manifestations of increased uterine tone, its causes and how to deal with it.

Increase in the tone of the uterus during pregnancy

The increase in the tone of the uterus during pregnancy is manifested in the form of periodic pain in the abdomen, lumbar region and sacrum, similar to menstrual. At the same time the uterus becomes dense for a while, after a while these symptoms disappear. Very often, clinical manifestations of increased tone arise with emotional and physical stress, during sexual intercourse.

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy has various degrees of manifestation:

  1. The tone of the uterus of the 1st degree is clinically manifested by short-term painful sensations in the lower abdomen, the uterine compaction, which does not cause significant discomfort and disappears at rest.
  2. The tone of the uterus of the 2nd degree is manifested by more pronounced pains in the abdomen, lower back and sacrum, the uterus becomes very dense. The pains are removed by taking antispasmodics ( No-shpy , Papaverina, Baralgina).
  3. 3 degree or strong tone of the uterus during pregnancy requires qualified treatment. In this case, with minor physical, mental stress, tactile irritation of the abdominal skin, there are severe pains in the abdomen and lower back, the uterus becomes stone. Such attacks are called hypertension.

Constant increase in the tone of the uterus before childbirth is considered to be training fights , which prepare the uterus for the forthcoming birth.

Diagnosis of late uterine tone

To diagnose an increased uterine tone during pregnancy, the following survey methods are used:

How to live with a constant tone of the uterus during pregnancy?

If a woman constantly senses an increase in the tone of the uterus, then you need to analyze your lifestyle. Reducing the tone will help avoid bad habits (if any), prevent mental and physical overstrain, rational day regimen, frequent outdoor walks. With the appearance of painful sensations, No-shpa is recommended, which does not harm the baby. In pregnant women prone to increase the tone of the uterus No-shpa should always be present in the cosmetic bag. Reduce the emotional tension and normalize sleep with preparations of valerian and motherwort. From sex with an increased tone of the uterus, you need to refrain, as any physical stress causes a contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus.