How to boil fish soup?

Today you will find all the answers for yourself and find out how and how much to cook fish soup. There is nothing difficult to prepare and its recipe is quite simple. We will need a minimum of ingredients and a little desire to please loved ones with a tasty lunch.

Soup with fish balls



Put the water to warm, at this time to do cooking meatballs . To begin with, fry the onions until golden brown and crush it together with the fish fillet in a meat grinder. Add the egg and butter, melted in a water bath, into the resulting mixture. After that, add spices and give the meatballs the look of the balls. Then wash the potatoes and carrots, cut into cubes, cook for 15 minutes. After this, add the meatballs to the boiling water, cook over low heat for 30 minutes, periodically taking off the foam. Do not forget to add salt and add a fragrant laurel leaf.

Canned fish soup



In salted boiling water, we add purified, sliced ​​potatoes and canned food. For the next 10 minutes, fry in finely chopped carrots and onions in a vegetable oil until golden brown. 15 minutes before the potato is ready - add the roast in the pan. After cooking, add spices and a pinch of dill to the soup.

How to boil fish soup baby?



We divide the fish, remove the offal, scales, bones. Then we throw in boiling water over medium heat. Finely chop the onions, carrots and potatoes, add them to the pan 20 minutes after the fish started to boil. We cook for another 30-35 minutes.

Smoked fish soup



In boiling salted water we add diced potatoes, carrots and onions. Peeled and chopped smoked fish put on potatoes, pour milk and cook until cooked. Season with spices and sprinkle with dill. The ready dish is best served with false sour cream on top.