Fried scallops - recipe

Scallop - edible bivalve with delicate flesh of characteristic sweetish taste, the object of fishing and breeding, is quite large (on average, the shell volume reaches 15-20 cm). In the flesh of the sea scallop contains a mass of useful substances: vitamins, mainly, group B, as well as compounds of iodine, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, cobalt, etc. The flesh of the scallop is a high-protein, low-calorie low-fat product. Regular inclusion in food of dishes from a sea scallop is rather useful for a human body (in particular for adult men).

Sea scallop - one of the most exquisite delicacies of seafood, it can be used for cooking various dishes. In food, part of the flesh is used (muscle-closer and mantle). Usually, the sea scallop is sold frozen and already cut. Therefore, the preparation before cooking is minimal: thaw in cold water, rinse and, possibly, dry.

Tell you how you can cook fried scallops.

General rule of preparation

Regardless of which cooking method you choose (cook, fry, let), the scallop is cooked very quickly (like many other mollusks, squid, for example, or mussels). The time for roasting the scallop is 3 minutes from each side, no more, otherwise it will become rigid, like a rubber sole and, of course, tasteless.

Fried scallops in soy sauce

Soy sauce suggests a pan-Asian style of recipe, so the rest of the ingredients are selected based on this.



Prepare the sauce. Mix the lime juice with soy sauce, crushed garlic and hot red pepper. We will cut the onions into rings or semicircamia in this mixture in a separate bowl.

Defrosted scallops are washed, it is better to dry them with a clean napkin, and lay out on a plate or cutting board.

We heat the pan in oil and fry on medium-high heat a little onions, cut into thin semicircles (this will be the substrate). On top, lay out scallops and fry them on both sides for 3 minutes. Frying pan and stirring for another 1 minute. We take off the contents from the frying pan and mix it with the onions, marinated in sauce. Let the mixture stand for 10 minutes. We serve with greens and authentic Asian alcohol. As a side dish, rice or fucose (rice noodles) is the most suitable. You can include sweet pepper.

Fried scallops in creamy sauce



We prepare scallops as in the previous recipe (see above), fry them with onion in olive oil and serve with cream sauce (cream + garlic, spices). We decorate with greenery. Not bad all this will be combined with pickled asparagus and light wine
