How fast to lose weight in the hands and shoulders?

Often, women complain that getting rid of excess inches in the hips, abdomen and buttocks , to change the appearance of the hands failed. That's why the topic of what to do to quickly lose weight, is so popular.

Of great importance is the diet, from which it is necessary to exclude foods and dishes that are harmful to the figure. To improve the result, you can carry out various cosmetic procedures, for example, wraps, and do massages. The main emphasis will have to be made on the physical load, which will allow not only to get rid of fat, but also to improve the relief.

How fast to lose weight in the hands and shoulders?

To conduct training, you do not need to have any serious simulators, it is enough to prepare dumbbells, although there are exercises that do not require additional weight. Dumbbells can be made from ordinary bottles. Exercise is recommended in several approaches 15-20 times. You need to train every other day.

  1. Reverse push-ups. Let's start with the simplest, yet effective exercise for which you need a chair or any other elevation. The load falls on the triceps and the muscles behind the shoulders. First, sit on the edge of the chair and place your hands on the sides of the hips. Give your body forward, stretching your legs in front of you, bending them in your lap. Hands should be slightly bent at the elbows. The task is to move, up and down bending the elbows to a 90 degree angle. To complicate the exercise, keep your legs straight.
  2. Tightening dumbbells . Understanding how to make it lose weight, I would like to say about another popular exercise. To perform it, you should stand straight and bend forward, keeping your back flat. Take dumbbells in your hands and pull them in front of you. The task - on the exhalation, pull the dumbbells to the stomach, directing the elbows upwards. On inhalation, put your hands down. Move as slowly as possible.
  3. French press of dumbbells while sitting. If you are interested in how quickly to lose weight by hand, it is recommended to include in your complex this exercise. Sit on a chair and keep your back flat. Take the dumbbells with your hands at one end, pointing your palms up, and leaving your wrists straight. Hands raise upwards so that the humeral part continues the line of the torso. The task is to lower the dumbbells by the head, bending the arms in the elbows until the right angle is formed. Then straighten your arms to the starting position.