Unloading days during pregnancy

The future mother realizes that controlling her health is necessary to ensure the normal development of the fetus. Some people ask whether it is possible to do unloading days during pregnancy. It is necessary to understand the information in advance in order to be able to draw conclusions.

When are loading days useful during pregnancy?

It should be understood that gestation requires a full-fledged diet. Only a balanced diet will provide an opportunity to provide the karapuza with all the substances necessary for development. Therefore, uncontrolled diets and unauthorized restrictions in nutrition can easily cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby.

Such activities will be useful in the following situations:

Rules for conducting

It is compulsory to follow such recommendations:

Options for unloading days for pregnant women

These activities are diverse, and they should alternate between themselves. Conditionally, it is possible to divide the unloading days into full and light ones. The first are good for those who are hard to severely limit the diet. Easy unloading will ensure maximum rest for the digestive tract and the body.

Here are a few options for well-fed fasting days:

  1. Meat. It is necessary to eat boiled meat without salt, the daily rate is about 400 grams. You can supplement the dish with a small amount of fresh vegetables.
  2. Fish. It will take about 400 grams of boiled fish, pike-perch, bream, perch, cod. The dish can not be salted, but you can sprinkle with lemon juice. Supplement the diet useful stewed cauliflower, zucchini, tomatoes. You can drink a broth of dogrose, tea, but without sugar.
  3. Rice. On this day, one should eat boiled brown rice. It is enough to weld 150 gr of cereals, divided into several receptions. You can add a fresh apple or carrots to the dish.
  4. Buckwheat. The cereal is boiled or steamed in a thermos bottle, consumed, like rice.
  5. Also worth considering are various menus of light days of pregnancy during pregnancy:

  6. Vegetable. It is necessary to eat boiled or fresh vegetables, they can be filled with vegetable oil, sour cream, but not greasy. The daily rate is 1.5 kg of vegetables, it can be cucumbers, zucchini, perfectly suited pumpkin.
  7. Sour-milk. On this day, you should drink kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt, the total amount of the product should be approximately 1.5 liters.
  8. Cottage cheese. Approximately 600 grams of cottage cheese should be eaten a day, you can drink skim milk. You can add a little apple in the portions, it is better not to include any more foods in the diet. Some women are hard given such a day. In this case, you can take 400 grams of cottage cheese and up to 800 grams of various berries.
  9. Fruit. Fit any fruit (about 1.5 kg), you can not banana, grapes, an excellent option will be apples. You can make a salad of them, adding celery and olive oil to it. Also it is worth trying to bake apples.

It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations, so that a fasting day for a pregnant woman helps not only to reduce weight, but also improve the overall condition, well-being. If a woman has chronic diseases, then she should definitely discuss the menu with the doctor, because some options for relief may be contraindicated to her.