Hyperbaric chamber for pregnant women

Not so long ago for the treatment of hypoxia in pregnant women began to use a pressure chamber. This method of oxygen saturation is called hyperbaric oxygenation and is based on active oxygen saturation of the body. It is delivered to the body under pressure more than atmospheric pressure, and therefore this procedure has its adherents and opponents.

Indications for the use of a pressure chamber during pregnancy

Visits to the pressure chamber are prescribed for women who are diagnosed with hypoxia. After all, a baby, who suffers from a lack of oxygen in the womb, develops slower and after birth may lag behind his peers. With the development of gestosis, high degree of anemia, lag in the development of the placenta, 8-12 procedures in the pressure chamber significantly improve the condition of the pregnant and toddler. To prevent these conditions, it is enough to undergo 5 courses of hyperbaric oxygenation.

Women who have kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, or chronic hepatitis can also alleviate their condition and improve their analysis with a pressure chamber. Before her visit, the pregnant woman should be examined by an endocrinologist, therapist and lor.

During the procedure lasting one hour, the expectant mother experiences a positive sensation, but at the outset, unpleasant stuffiness in the ears, which quickly passes, is possible. A woman can just sleep or read a book at this time. After the procedure, the patient is noted to improve the complexion and overall well-being.

Contraindications to the pressure chamber during pregnancy

With all its positive effects on the body of a pregnant woman, there are still some contraindications. Define them will help the doctor, who gives an opinion on the conduct of such procedures.

High blood pressure, high fever, colds, lung and blood diseases make it impossible to use a pressure chamber. In addition, women with diseases of ENT organs, neoplasms, problems with the optic nerve or hypersensitivity to oxygen, are also on the list to refuse the procedure.