How is pneumonia diagnosed?

Determine the inflammation of the lungs is quite difficult. At first, the symptoms are practically the same as those of common ARVI . Therefore, if there are signs of a cold, you need to see a doctor.

How to identify pneumonia in the home?

The initial signs of pneumonia include such manifestations as:

  1. Temperature increase. The febrile state is not easily affected by antipyretic drugs.
  2. Dyspnea. This symptom can develop even at a low temperature.
  3. Pale skin. Perhaps blue in the nasolabial triangle.
  4. Coryza. A few days continue.
  5. Nasty dry cough. At the same time, an attempt of deep inspiration leads to an attack of coughing.

If ARVI lasts more than a week without visible improvements in the patient's condition, it is likely that pneumonia develops. In case of inadequate treatment, after a significant relief of symptoms, a "second wave" develops.

Signs of the further development of pneumonia

A few signs will suggest how you can identify pneumonia in the progression of the disease:

  1. Pain in the lungs. Gradually, the pleura is involved in the process. In it, unlike the lungs, there are pain receptors.
  2. Tachycardia. With the croupous shape, the heart rate changes, which leads to a faster pulse.
  3. Cough with an abundance of phlegm. Sputum is produced rusty, blood veins may appear. As the disease progresses, the sputum becomes purulent-mucous.

Knowing how to determine the inflammation of the lungs, even at the first signs it is worth turning to an otolaryngologist. Procrastination can lead to fatal outcome or chronic form of the disease with the risk of further development of such a pathology as pneumosclerosis - replacement of the structure of the lungs with a connective tissue.