Electric coffee grinder - how to choose?

Who among us does not like to cheer up in the morning a cup of fragrant invigorating coffee . But, when you open the coveted jar, suddenly find that it is empty, and there is no coffee grinder? You understand your own mistake. Here in such unpleasant moments and the idea ripens up to acquire a small electric coffee grinder, which always comes to the rescue.

How to choose an electric coffee grinder for home?

For cafes and coffee shops are sold powerful appliances designed for a large load, which at home is completely unnecessary, given that the standard measure of ground coffee for one cup - only 7 grams. Multiplying this figure by the number of lovers of fragrant arabica living in your house, as well as the number of coffee ceremonies we can get the desired value of the volume of the coffee grinder itself.

Electric coffee grinders, as a rule, are divided into so-called small ones by 30 grams and large, although the latter are hard to name, for they are calculated only for 280 grams maximum. If a person lives alone, then it will be enough for him to have models with a minimum load.

If there is a need to grind a smaller number of grains in order to cook the next morning coffee, then it can be done without ceremony. But put in a bowl grinder more grams will not work - it will work with great difficulty and not as effective as required.

The most popular was and remains today the electric coffee grinder Bosch, as this brand has long won the confidence of consumers with its quality and trouble-free operation of electrical appliances.

What is the preferred power?

The run-up in the power indicators of the device is large enough - from 80 to 300 W. Naturally, the coffee grinder, designed to grind only 30 grams of coffee beans, does not need super-powerful. And here, where a large load is envisaged, the maximum power will significantly save time consuming the preparation of ground coffee. But if the volume of the grinder bowl is average, then it is most reasonable to choose a similar power - also an average one.

Bigger or smaller?

There are modern coffee grinders with adjustable grinding degree of coffee beans. They are not intended for ordinary lay people, but for true coffee connoisseurs, because, as you know, too fine grinding, which the packaging of already prepared coffee in stores are guilty, does not give a noble drink a noble taste.

Most often, non-uniform or too fine grinding is obtained from so-called rotary coffee grinders. The crushing of coffee beans in them occurs with the help of a sharp knife, as in food processors. The knives spin swiftly, interrupting everything that falls into the bowl. But a grinder, the name of which speaks for itself, acts differently. The grains are grinded, falling between two millstones (disks). It is these coffee grinders designed to adjust the degree of grinding coffee beans, although they are several times more expensive, but, as you know, you have to pay for the pleasure.

Additional options

In addition to the type of coffee grinder, when buying, pay attention to the available protection against overheating, which especially important for large and powerful instruments. It is also important that the coffee grinder will not be able to turn on if it is assembled incorrectly, that is, it will protect the inept user from injury.

If the coffee grinder does not have a cable holder or a special place for winding the cord, it will always hang ugly when the device is not in use. Therefore, it is better to choose models that provide careful and accurate storage.

The material of the device does not affect the taste of coffee, but still durable, stronger, and a more aesthetic in the kitchen will look grinder, made in a metal casing.