Contraceptives for girls

To date, pharmacological companies offer a fairly wide range of contraceptive methods that are suitable for women of different ages and with different physiological characteristics. Also, special methods of contraception for girls have been developed, which have a less pronounced effect on the body and are suitable for a young age. The most common contraceptives for young girls are mini-pills. In addition to the contraceptive effect, taking such drugs can normalize the hormonal background and solve some problems related to age. Also there are such contraceptives for girls as, ring, candles, plaster, spiral, diaphragm, spimicides. All these tools have certain advantages and disadvantages. Consider the characteristics of the most common methods of contraception for girls.


The most safe sex girl can provide with the help of a condom. Condoms not only protect against pregnancy, but also prevent infection with sexually transmitted diseases, as well as AIDS. This is especially important in the absence of a permanent partner. Also, the advantage of a condom over other contraceptives and contraceptive pills for young girls is the lack of the need to consult and be under the supervision of a gynecologist, as well as the absence of side effects that cause hormonal drugs. To buy condoms is necessary only high quality, it is best in the pharmacy, as violations of storage conditions, can lead to the rupture of the product during intercourse, so it is recommended to use emergency contraception.

Oral contraceptives for girls

Combined hormonal tablets have a number of contraindications and side effects, but the contraceptive effect is more than 99%. As contraceptive pills for young girls, mini-pili are recommended, the active ingredient of which is progestogen. Tablets affect the endometrium and cervical mucus, which makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus and implant the egg. With the proper administration of such drugs favorably affect the hormonal background, improve the complexion, the condition of the hair and nails, help to get rid of teenage pimples. If the tablets are chosen incorrectly, then in addition to harm to health and appearance, they do not bring anything. Therefore, such a contraceptive for girls as a pill should only be prescribed by a doctor, based on the state of the girl's health, the regularity of sexual activity and other important factors. Contraceptive pills for girls are recommended with regular sexual life and the presence of a reliable permanent partner.

Other hormonal contraceptives, such as injections, implants, hormonal ring, patch, are also prescribed only by a doctor.

Barrier methods of contraception

These methods of contraception also require specialist advice. The most common are the diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge and special condoms for girls. All these funds are selected and installed by a gynecologist. From the correct introduction of funds depends and effectiveness, so while the girl does not learn to use barrier methods, it's better to consult a doctor as needed. Barrier methods prevent the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity, but it is recommended to use chemical contraceptives in order to increase the efficiency.

Chemical contraceptives

The chemical means of contraception include spermicides, special drugs that affect the activity of spermatozoa. They include candles, creams, jellies. The disadvantage of chemicals is low efficiency, only about 70%. The advantage of spermicides is the absence of side effects.

Intrauterine contraceptives

Intrauterine contraceptives for girls, a spiral or a hormonal spiral are not recommended by many specialists, especially if there are no contraindications to other methods of contraception. The spiral has a high level of efficiency, easy to use, and also has a long life. But at the same time, the spiral increases the risk of infection in the uterine cavity, which is especially dangerous in the absence of a permanent partner. Similarly, the spiral can cause inflammation of the genital organs. As a rule, intrauterine devices are not recommended for nulliparous girls.

Biological methods of contraception

Such methods, as temperature and calendar, have a low level of efficiency and require a certain understanding of the processes occurring in the body. With an unsteady cycle, the use of such methods is impossible.

How to protect the girl should only explain the specialist. It is unacceptable to rely on the advice of friends, and even more so for luck, and can lead to disastrous consequences. Every girl who starts sex life should take care of her health. Even the most reliable source of information will not replace the doctor's advice, as each organism is individual, and only with the consideration of all the features can the most effective and safe method of contraception be selected.