Sprouted wheat is good

Today, many studies are being conducted, based on the study of the benefits of wheat germ and its effect on the human body.

Composition of wheat germ

The organism fully assimilates sprouted wheat, it practically has no contraindications. Sprouted wheat is not an easy to use product, but a natural biologically active additive. Grains of ordinary wheat contain 20% protein, while the amount of protein germinated wheat reaches 26%.

What is useful for germinated grains of wheat?

When the wheat germinates, the starch turns into maltose, and fatty acids useful for the body appear instead of fat. In the grain are protein substances that break down into amino acids , and subsequently into nucleotides. The part that has not been assimilated by the body continues to disintegrate into different bases. These bases serve as a base for the construction of nucleic acids, which form the basis of genes. That is, the body receives material, through which you can recover from many diseases.

Eating sprouted wheat man gets a unique product that does not require the body to break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Unlike similar supplements offered to us by pharmacies, we get vitamins and minerals in an easily digestible and balanced form.

Useful properties of germinated wheat

Regular consumption of germinated wheat can establish metabolic processes in the body. The general tone of a person improves, resistance to infections increases, immunity rises. It is especially recommended to use sprouted wheat with exhaustion, weakened immunity, during the flu epidemic, after treatment of various diseases. Sprouted wheat is also used to restore the nervous system after stress and depression. Cases of normalization of sexual function are frequent.

Magnesium, contained in wheat sprouts, lowers blood pressure and removes cholesterol from the blood. Insoluble fiber contributes to the improvement of the digestive tract. The body is cleansed of toxins and radionuclides. Soluble fiber contributes to the recovery of intestinal microflora.

The calorie content of wheat germ is 198 kcal per 100 g of product. It is also used for obesity or metabolic disorders. If you eat a little wheat germ, you can get enough and relieve yourself of hunger.