15 midwifery pregnancy week

The baby in the womb is thirteen weeks old, and the pregnancy has already entered the second trimester, which is the most peaceful for a woman. Behind were toxicosis, a decline in strength and drowsiness.

The condition of a 15-week pregnant woman on obstetric terms

On the 15th obstetric week of pregnancy, a woman begins to feel a surge of energy and enjoy her position, although she may be troubled by some unpleasant sensations in the form of stuffy nose and slight suffocation due to pressure on the diaphragm of the intensively growing uterus.

At week 15, some pregnant women may have dark spots on the skin. Someone they appear on the stomach, and someone - on the face, someone - on the legs, hands, chest, face, back. On the abdomen from the navel to the pubis appears a strip of brown. The nipples and areoles of mammary glands darken.

Also at this time, abdominal pain can sometimes occur, caused by softening and stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus. Such pain occurs on the sides of the abdomen and creates a certain discomfort, but it is quite physiological and no feelings for a woman should not cause.

Fetus at the age of 15 obstetric weeks

As for the development of the fetus at this time, then the first hair is already appearing on its head. He is very active and for a minute more than once changes his position in the space of the uterus, bends the handles, squeezes his fingers in the fists.

Improvement of the nervous system of the baby continues - the mass of the brain increases, furrows and gyruses deepen on it. The cardiovascular system is also improving: veins and arteries grow rapidly, providing blood to all organs.

The fruit acquires a reddish color. The pituitary gland begins to work, the gallbladder already secretes bile, and the sweat and sebaceous glands begin functioning.

The volume of amniotic fluid is already about 100 ml. The size of the baby is about 10 cm and its weight is 70 g.