Hemorrhoids in pregnant women

Hemorrhoids is the most common rectal pathology, which affects up to 50% of the population. Very often hemorrhoids begin in pregnant women, when physiological changes take place in the body of a woman. This illness causes great discomfort to its owner, and because of the delicacy of this problem, a visit to a doctor can be postponed for a long time.

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy - causes

Constipation and hemorrhoids during pregnancy - a fairly common phenomenon, and it is associated with compression of the lower vena cava with a pregnant uterus and increased pressure in it. Cavernous plexuses in the rectum are collaterals of the inferior vena cava and do not normally function. With increasing pressure in the inferior vena cava due to a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities, these vessels open and fill with blood. Hemorrhoids in the early stages of pregnancy almost never occurs, since the size of the uterus is still small and it can not squeeze the lower vena cava. The appearance or exacerbation of hemorrhoids during pregnancy occurs more often in the third trimester of pregnancy, when there is a visible displacement of the internal organs by a rapidly growing pregnant uterus.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy -

The clinical picture of hemorrhoids depends on its location: it is external and internal. External hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be independently probed, as the enlarged hemorrhoidal nodes are located outside. It is manifested by itching and burning in the rectum, which is aggravated by the ingestion of spicy food.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are not visible during the examination, and it is manifested by a sensation of heat and itching in the rectum, the pain often gives to the sacrum and coccyx. With all types of hemorrhoids, a woman can feel swelling of the intestines, painful sensations during defecation and a feeling of not completely emptying the intestine.

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy - what to do?

When you have the first symptoms of hemorrhoids, you can try to heal yourself. The first pledge of successful treatment is compliance with diet and normal bowel movement. For the control of constipation, laxatives based on cellulose (Dufalac, Normaise, Lactovit) are used, they help gently empty the bowels and are safe for the child. You can use warm baths with potassium permanganate. If these methods of treatment are not enough, you can resort to the use of special ointments (Proctosan, Vishnevsky ointment) and candles (Relief, Olfen). If there is no effect, consult a doctor.

How to avoid hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

Preventing hemorrhoids during pregnancy includes:

What is dangerous for hemorrhoids in pregnancy?

Hemorrhoids have pregnant women can affect the course of childbirth and the bearing of a child at a later date. This problem is dangerous due to possible bleeding with a significant decrease in hemoglobin and erythrocyte counts. If bleeding hemorrhoids during pregnancy - this is the reason for immediate contact with a doctor.

The problem of hemorrhoids is very delicate, and many people keep silence about it, afraid or embarrassed to see a doctor. This is very wrong, because the rectum is the same organ as the rest, and there is nothing shameful about it. A missed time can lead to the development of complications that pose a danger especially during pregnancy.