The abdomen is 17 weeks pregnant

Each pregnant woman, depending on the period, feels how it changes externally and internally. By the beginning of the second trimester, and this is the 17th week of pregnancy, the future mom seems to be flourishing, because all fears and risks of the previous period are behind. At this time, there are a number of changes in appearance. It is on the 17th week of pregnancy that the woman's stomach most often begins to grow rapidly, and its "decoration" becomes, so-called, the hormonal band. Now, at each visit of the consultation, the doctor will measure the circumference of the "pussy", and relatives and friends, remembering the signs, try to determine the sex of the baby in the form of the appearance of roundness.

The size of the abdomen at the 17th week of pregnancy

In order not to be nervous, it is better to find out in advance how the belly looks at the 17th week of pregnancy, and why it should be measured. At this time, most mummies tummy is already well marked, and doctors begin to closely monitor the dynamics of its further growth. Measuring the tummy, gynecologists can draw a series of conclusions regarding the course of pregnancy and fetal development. For example, by determining the height of the uterus and the circumference of the tubercle, you can almost accurately calculate the mass of the fruit in grams. Also, on the basis of how the belly looks at the 17th week of pregnancy, it is possible to judge the presence of small and polyhydramnios. This, in turn, allows the timely appointment of an additional examination and eliminate undesirable consequences.

What does the small abdomen testify at the 17th week of pregnancy?

If the belly does not grow for 17 weeks of pregnancy, this causes serious concerns for the future mother. The reasons, of course, can be many. Most often, a small tummy at this time occurs in women of large build, with a wide pelvis and hips. Also, a puziko is less for the first pregnancy than for the second, this is due to the fact that in the pregnant muscle the press is stronger, and they do not give the uterus a strong deviation forward. There may be other causes related to pregnancy itself: it is hypotrophy, malignancy, wrong position of the fetus. Therefore, consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist is in any case necessary. However, it is not worth experiencing in advance. After all, very often insufficient growth of the abdomen or its complete absence at this time speaks only about the features of the structure of the pelvis of a pregnant woman. Then the rapid growth begins, as a rule, from 20 weeks. In addition, do not panic if the gestation period is 17 weeks, and there is no hormonal band on the abdomen. After all, 10% of pregnant women do not appear at all.