Brown spots on the skin

The color of the human skin depends on the content of the pigment colors of melanin, carotene, oxyhemoglobin and other substances in it, as well as the degree of blood supply, skin type and thickness of the upper stratum corneum. Brown pigment melanin is the main substance that affects the color of the skin, eyes and hair. It is necessary for a person to protect against harmful effects on the body of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the darker the skin, the better it tolerates the sun's rays.

With excessive production of melanin, the skin darkens, brown spots of different size and localization appear on it. With insufficient production of melanin, light areas appear on the skin.

The causes of the appearance of brown spots are numerous:

The color of the spots on the skin can vary from light brown to dark brown. Any emerging education on the skin requires attention, because some of them can degenerate into a malignant tumor. Round brown spots on the skin that do not itch, do not flake, do not increase in size and have even outlines, can be ordinary moles and can be ignored. But if there are any changes with the spot, you need to urgently consult an oncologist.

Hyperpigmentation can talk about the lack of vitamins A, PP, C. This should be taken into account and not only local treatment in the form of trays, lotions and ointments, but also take in sufficient quantities of vitamins.

Brown spots on the skin of the legs appear most often as a result of trophic disorders due to circulatory insufficiency, for example, with obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities or diabetes mellitus. The location of birthmarks on the legs is dangerous because when shaving the legs, a woman can injure the mole, which increases the risk of malignancy. With age, brown spots can appear on the skin of the hands - on the back of the hands. This is due to the fact that the aging process gradually breaks pigment exchange. Also, such spots can appear on other parts of the body or at a younger age. Sometimes this is due to excessive exposure to the sun.

"Mask of pregnancy"

During pregnancy, brown spots appear on the skin of the face. They are called "pregnancy mask". The emergence of a mask is associated with changes in the hormonal balance of a woman. The sun can intensify pigmentation, so during pregnancy, it is better to beware of direct sunlight. Usually, the "mask of pregnancy" disappears a few months after childbirth or after the end of the process of feeding the baby. If this does not happen, you can contact the beautician and remove these spots with a laser.

Multicolored lichen

When multi-colored (or pitybearing), lichen on the skin there are clearly delineated brown spots that peel off, and after sunburn leave hypopigmented foci. To confirm the diagnosis, the spot is smeared with 5% tincture of iodine. With pityriasis, the skin becomes darker.


Small brown spots on the skin that do not flake, do not rise above the skin level and do not cause any sensations can be freckles. This name they received, because their number and intensity increases in the spring, when solar activity grows. The treatment of freckles is almost ineffective or gives an effect for a short time. More often freckles appear in red-haired and fair-haired people. To such people, as a prophylaxis, it is recommended to apply to the skin of the face photoprotective creams, and also to use cream with whitening effect.

Recklinghausen's disease

Light brown spots on the skin can occur with neurofibromatosis, or Recklinghausen's disease. After them rose pink nodules, soft to the touch, deformed bones. In severe disease, tumors of the spinal cord and nerves arise, including with severe consequences, such as blindness, deafness, squeezing of the spinal cord, etc. The disease is of genetic origin. Treatment should be carried out by a doctor.

Treatment of brown spots on the skin

Currently, there are many ways to combat hyperpigmentation. These are different types of peelings, dermabrasion (laser skin resurfacing), phototherapy, the use of bleaching agents, ozone therapy and others. Determine the cause of spots on the skin and suggest the most effective way of treatment can only a doctor.