How to gain weight to a child?

"What a slender girl you are, let me feed you" - some parents, like grandmothers, literally forcibly push their child into their children in the hope that the child will recover at least a little. In fact, the effect is reversed. Therefore, before making the crumb eat a double portion, you need to understand the reasons for the shortage of weight. It is likely that this is just a physiological feature of the baby, which does not require correction.

What should I do if my child is not gaining weight?

Before you panic and take drastic measures, take a closer look at your baby and his regime. Most of the lack of weight appears among students of lower grades, the blame for the exorbitant workload, stress and lack of sleep. Therefore, wondering what to do if the child is not gaining weight, review his schedule: the duration of sleep should be at least 8 hours, and daytime leisure should assume active outdoor games, rather than playing on the computer. To help the child as soon as possible to gain weight, you also need to adjust his diet. Children must eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Do not load the digestive system of bakery products.

If you began to notice that the baby was sluggish and apathetic, quickly gets tired and has a bad appetite, try giving crumbs to baby vitamins. Perhaps the cause of fatigue and weakness - banal avitaminosis, which is particularly affected by children in the winter-spring period.

In crumbs that attend sports sections, shortage in weight can be associated with physical exhaustion. In this case, so that the child can gain weight as quickly as possible, you need to enrich his diet with protein foods and reduce the number of training sessions.

The situation with babies is somewhat different. In the first year of the baby's life, not only his mother but also the district pediatrician watches for his increase. If the baby does not have health problems, and the weight still does not match age - doctors recommend starting from 5-6 months to introduce lure. And the first dish of the "slender" babe should be only porridge, usually rice or buckwheat.

As you can see, the issue of how to feed a child so that he gained weight should be approached in a complex way, because sometimes the problem is not in the diet, but in the way of life, and sometimes requires medical intervention. By the way, sometimes the reason for lack of weight is found after the test for egg egg.