Toxicosis in the second trimester

The second trimester is considered the most calm and easy period of the entire pregnancy. It begins with 14 weeks. At this time, the woman is not yet very much recovered and can walk a lot, if desired, swimming is possible or easy gymnastics. In addition, the future mother can afford to go to the theater, visit the exhibition. Ideally, in the second semester, toxemia should not bother, but there are cases when pregnant women experience it in the second and even the third semester. That is, the timing of toxicosis is not limited to the first trimester.

Characteristics of the concept of "toxicosis"

Toxicosis is the reaction of the female body to changes that begin with the birth of a new life. This is a process that is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. In general, women experience nausea in the morning, attacks of vomiting. Throughout the day, pregnant women can get sore or dizzy. The sense of smell becomes more acute during this period. Changing preferences and taste of women, and also there can be perverted gustatory tendencies. Its manifestations of toxicosis can be revealed in frequent changes of mood. Women in the situation can easily move from a state of joy and euphoria to a state of oppression and depression.

There are three main types of toxicosis. This is an early, late toxicosis and rare forms of toxicosis. Some women even complain of postpartum toxicosis.

Signs of late toxicosis

Toxicosis at week 20 of the second trimester is called late toxemia or gestosis. Although usually toxicosis appears in the first trimester and ends at its end. But there may be toxicosis at week 22. A woman is not only sick and has vomiting, and also a mild malaise. Toxicosis in the 2nd semester can be characterized by a sharp decrease in vision, the appearance of edema. Arterial pressure either rises or falls. At this time, nausea and vomiting is observed not only in the morning or in a certain period of the day. Attacks are strong and regular. Another bright sign of gestosis is the presence of protein in the urine. There is a general dehydration of the body.

The pregnant woman should know that the more pronounced the symptoms of late toxicosis, the greater the danger is her future child. Signs of such a serious complication as nephropathy can manifest itself in toxicosis at week 25, so it's important to turn to a specialist on time.

Consequences of second-trimester toxicity

Toxicosis of the second trimester of pregnancy can end for the future mom very deplorable. So a woman may have pulmonary edema, heart failure. The work of such internal organs as a liver, kidneys can be disrupted. There are complications in the work of the brain, up to the hemorrhage. What to say about the effect on the fetus, which only grows and develops. If you do not take any action in time, the toxicosis can trigger a miscarriage, fetal fading, the birth of an unviable child, and even the death of a woman.

Measures to prevent negative consequences

If any signs of late toxicosis appear, you should immediately consult your doctor in order to avoid negative consequences. Some women ask in advance from their gynecologists whether it is possible to avoid toxicosis, including late. Experts advise not to eat much, categorically forbid eating acute and salty dishes, smoked products, which contain many different spices and seasonings. But in any case, self-medication can not be done, as this can negatively affect the health of mom and baby. On the question of how to reduce toxemia and its manifestations, doctors respond that nausea can be soothed by mint tea, and strong manifestations only by treatment in the hospital.