Tone of the uterus in pregnancy - how to determine and what to do?

While waiting for the baby, the expectant mother may face many violations, complications of the gestational period. Among those - increased uterine tone during pregnancy, which often leads to negative consequences, among which - the death of the fetus. Consider the violation in detail, figuring out the causes and measures to combat it.

Uterus in its tonus - what does it mean?

Often, during a visit to a doctor during gestation, the patient becomes acquainted with unknown terms. Because of this, from the mouth of the future mother gynecologists often hear a question about what the uterus means in tone during pregnancy. In order to fully understand this definition, let us briefly consider the anatomical structure of the female genital organ.

Uterus refers to those internal organs that have a cavity inside. Its walls consist of 3 layers:

Muscle fibers are located directly in the myometrium. This tissue leads to contractions that occur frequently: with physical exertion, menstrual flow. The greatest amplitude is noted at the time of delivery, when the reduction of this layer leads to the expulsion of the fetus. For a long time, the tension of the myometrium, which is not related to labor activity, is usually called the term "uterine tone", which requires strict control during pregnancy.

Causes of a tummy of a uterus at pregnancy

A large number of factors affecting the condition of the muscular layer necessitates a thorough examination and diagnostic tests. This is the only way to eliminate the tone of the uterus, the causes of which can be covered in:

  1. The failure of the hormonal system. The reason is caused by changes in the functioning of the ovaries, adrenals, placenta. As a result, a deficiency of estrogen and progesterone. We can not exclude the opposite - the excess of male sex hormones, which affects the female hormonal system.
  2. Congenital and acquired abnormalities of reproductive organs. This includes both underdevelopment (genital infantilism) and developmental defects in the embryonic stage (bicornic uterus).
  3. Tumor processes in the uterus (myoma). One of the reasons, explaining what causes the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. It is often diagnosed at the stage of gestation, because it does not manifest itself for a long time.
  4. Diseases of the reproductive system of infectious and inflammatory nature (sex infections, endometriosis, endometritis, cervicitis, etc.).
  5. Isthmiko-cervical insufficiency. The result of increased stress on the cervix, which leads to its opening before the onset of labor.
  6. There were abortions in the anamnesis. The interruption of pregnancy does not pass without a trace for the reproductive system.
  7. Frequent experiences, anxiety during gestation can turn into problems. Often they are an explanation of why the uterus is toned. It is observed more often in late gestation.

Products that cause uterine tone

The state of internal organs often depends directly on the diet, products. An exception is not the genital organ. Influence is insignificant, and it is noted only with abuse, but every future mother should know what products cause uterine tone during pregnancy. These include:

Separately, it is necessary to name products that reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy:

Tonus in pregnancy - symptoms

In order to determine in time and seek help, a woman in the position should have an idea of ​​the main signs of such a condition as the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. Often, the first of those that should make you pay attention is pain in the lower abdomen. The character is different. It is noteworthy that initially pain sensations can be isolated.

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy is characterized by:

Because of the lack of strict specificity of symptoms, the pregnant woman should know how to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy on her own. Taking a horizontal position on the back, one hand is placed on the stomach, the second - on the front surface of the thigh. In the presence of hypertonia, the first will seem harder, like a stone. If the sensations are the same - a woman has a normotonus (tension is absent). Sex with the tone of the uterus should be excluded so as not to stimulate delivery.

Tonus in pregnancy symptoms - 1 trimester

At the initial stages of gestation, it is problematic to identify such a problem. In order to carry out such a complex manipulation, you need to contact the doctors if there are suspicions. The difficulty lies in the fact that the cuts can be single and bear an undefined character, have a short duration. Before determining the tone of the uterus, a comprehensive examination is carried out, which includes:

Tonus in pregnancy symptoms - 2 trimester

This period of gestation is characterized by calmness - the manifestations of toxicosis receded, the future mother got used to her position. But the probability of a violation is not reduced to zero. In order to identify him in time, pregnant special attention should be paid to signs of uterine tone during pregnancy, which occurs against the background of general well-being. These include:

Tonus in pregnancy symptoms - 3 trimester

The most troubling period for a future mother. The troubles associated with the preparation for childbirth, often accidentally interrupts the appearance of pain in the lower abdominal wall. In this case, pregnant women immediately panic: premature birth, - the first thought. Answering a pregnant woman's question about how the uterine tone manifests during pregnancy, and how to distinguish it from the beginning of labor, doctors pay attention to:

Uterus tonus during pregnancy - what to do?

First of all, it should be noted that in itself such a state of the myometrium requires medical control. How to relieve the tone of the uterus in a particular case, solely doctors decide on the basis of the information obtained as a result of diagnosis. From a pregnant woman, exact adherence to recommendations and prescriptions is required, which quickly excludes abnormalities, prevents complications of gestation.

In order to conduct therapy, doctors prescribe drugs for the tone of the uterus during pregnancy:

The question of whether the bandage helps with the tone of the uterus, finds a negative answer, in mind:

Important is the choice of pose for recreation. With the tone of the uterus, how to lie and sleep suggests the observing doctor. Recommendations look like this:

Tone of the uterus - how to remove at home?

Often, due to the lack of opportunity to visit a medical institution, the pregnant woman is forced to fight the signs of tension of the myometrium independently. In such cases, folk remedies for the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, which have proven themselves. Among them are:

Exercises for the removal of the tone of the uterus during pregnancy

Often in the treatment of violations, future mothers receive advice on the use of the exercise in order to reduce the tone of the uterus during the current pregnancy. It is called "cat":

  1. Standing on all fours, he sinks to his elbows and knees, sitting parallel to the floor.
  2. Making a deflection in the lumbar region, the head is raised upwards, slowly straightening the arms.
  3. Lock the position for a few seconds. After returning to the original, make the curve of the spine outward. Perform slowly.

What is dangerous for the tone of the uterus in pregnancy?

The biggest risk is the termination of pregnancy, regardless of the period. At the beginning of gestation, hypertonus interferes with the normal fixation of the embryo, as a result - partial detachment of the placenta later. Talking about how dangerous the tone of the uterus, doctors pay attention to:

Separately, it is necessary to say about what is dangerous for the tone of the uterus in the second trimester. Because of the compression of the fetal bladder, its integrity is violated, which leads to the outflow of amniotic fluid, placental abruption and infant death. In later terms, this condition is fraught with premature birth. Given these facts, a woman with such a violation is under observation all gestation.