Laxative for pregnant women in the early stages

Constipation follows the pregnant woman literally from the first weeks of conception. This misfortune does not allow to live a full life and aggravates the manifestations of toxicosis. It so happens that even a mobile lifestyle, a change in diet, the introduction of a variety of cellulose and probiotics in the menu does not change the situation for the better.

Can I use a laxative for pregnant women in the early stages?

If the case does not move and the constipation becomes more and more aggravated, then more radical measures should be taken. In fact, in addition to the terrible discomfort, such a situation is fraught with the appearance of hemorrhoids or anal fissures during defecation, and more often both.

Therefore, a woman should immediately, having discarded the embarrassment, turn to her gynecologist so that he can pick up her laxatives, which are allowed during pregnancy in the early stages.

The fact is that their use will not affect the circulatory system, which means that it does not hurt the baby, so they should not be afraid. Those drugs that are approved for use by pregnant women do not go beyond the digestive tract, acting only locally.

What laxative can be pregnant in the early stages?

The most common are three drugs that have proven themselves in the fight against constipation:

  1. Dufalac. It is a transparent sweet syrup, saturated with lactulose. Getting into the stomach, it swells and significantly increases in size, which allows you to fill the intestines with calves and quickly evacuate them outside. This remedy can be used for a long time without fear of addiction and side effects.
  2. Candles with glycerin. The most innocuous means for fighting constipation, which is allowed to apply even to infants. Candles soften accumulated stools, allowing painless emptying after prolonged constipation.
  3. Mikrolaks. A small tube-enema, which contains sorbitol and lauryl sulphate as an active substance. This remedy is fully ready for use and after 10 minutes after the administration, one can expect an effect. The drug is absolutely harmless and is prescribed for pregnant, lactating and infants.