Sugar factory in Morgan-Lewis

Some of the sights of Barbados are so unique that you will not see it in any other corner of the world. A good example of this is the sugar factory in Morgan-Lewis, which is the last stone island windmill with four wings for sugar production.

What is famous for this original windmill?

This mill was built in the middle of the XVIII century and is an outstanding architectural monument, while still practically flawlessly performing its main function of processing sugar cane in granulated sugar. In 1962, the plant was suspended and turned into a sugar cane museum, and in 1999 it began its work again. The sugar mill is located in the Morgan-Lewis district, in the eastern part of the island at a distance of 1 km from the shore.

In the harvest season - from December to April - tourists can see the factory every Sunday, and also look inside the mill to inspect the old exhibits and equipment associated with the production process that took place during the construction of the windmill, and photographs of that period. During the tour, visitors are allowed to climb to the top floor. In addition, you will be offered to try the delicious fresh sugar syrup.

Even if your trip occurred at a time when the plant stops, you can inspect the nearby plantation house, built without cement. Its function is a mixture of coral dust and egg whites. The mill is open from 9.00 to 17.00. The entrance ticket is quite cheap and will cost you only $ 10, a children's ticket costs $ 5.

How to get to the mill?

Before traveling to the island, contact the National Barbados Foundation to determine the exact time at which the excursion begins. The best way to get to the plant is to rent a car and go on a tour of the east coast: you are unlikely to pass this historical memo.