Sore feet - the reason

Painful sensations and discomfort in the feet disturb many. Most often, lovers of cramped and uncomfortable footwear face this, because of trauma or neurological abnormalities. However, if the feet are aching, the cause may be more serious. Often, such a sign indicates the formation in the body of pathological processes that require immediate intervention.

The cause of burning and pain in the soles of the feet

As a rule, a burning sensation occurs when the limbs are damaged by erythromelalgia. The disease is most typical of the stronger sex. In this case, redness of the extremities and burning pain in response to heating or forced position of the legs are observed. At the same time, the affected area acquires a reddish hue.

This phenomenon can accompany hypertension, thrombocytosis, polycemia and leukemia. In addition, erythromelalgia can develop as an independent disease. A definite reason for its formation has not yet been revealed.

Diseases of the nerve fibers of the foot often occur with the onset of pain and burning. These are polyneuropathy or benign forms of nerve fibers, called neurinomas. They cause burning pain, numbness and a sensation of creepy. As a rule, they hit 3 and 4 toes.

The main factor provoking the emergence of a feeling of discomfort and pain in the legs is the wearing of the wrong shoes. This problem is most typical for female representatives who wear fashionable narrow high-heeled shoes. With the constant wearing of such shoes, the feet begin to deform with time, which not only leads to problems with the limbs, but also to diseases of the spine.

The reason that the feet are aching in the morning

We will analyze the most common factors that lead to pain in the limbs.

Plantar fasciitis

The ailment is manifested by discomfort when walking. The disease develops with the regular podvorachivan legs inward. Thus, there is a sprain of the ligaments and an inflammation of the connective tissue called the fascia. In this case, to increase discomfort can:

Heel spur

If the feet are aching after sleep, the cause may be a pathology such as a calcaneal spur. Excessive tension of the tendon for a long time leads to the formation of build-up on the calcaneus. The peculiarity of the ailment lies in the fact that it is difficult to detect it at the initial stages of formation. Pain manifests itself in the morning, when a person rises from the bed or comes on the heel after a long sitting. Patients complain that the pain is similar to the feeling that you are stepping on the needle. The provoking factors include:

The cause of pain in the soles of the feet from above

There are several pathological processes that occur with pain and discomfort in the feet.


Lowering the foot caused by flat feet provokes bone convergence, deformation and compression of the tendons. In this way, a person is concerned about pain more often when walking from the top and bottom of the foot.

Osteoarthritis and arthritis

If the feet of the feet start to hurt from above, then the reasons for this include arthrosis and arthritis, in which there is a change in the structure of the joints and even their destruction. Arthrosis affects people of old age. Arthritis is an autoimmune disease, provoked by an attack by the immune system of the joint cells.

Marching Foot

The diagnosis of the "march stop" is more often put at marching, ascents on steps, wearing weights. Due to increased loads on the feet, there is excessive pressure, causing pain on the top of the legs. With such an ailment, soldiers most often encounter in the first months of service.