Can I breastfeed mother plums?

Every woman, when she becomes a mother, must be ready for the fact that from the moment the baby is born, many changes will take place in her life. They also affect the diet of the newly mum, from which it will be necessary to exclude a dozen or so products. Particular attention should be given to fruits, which often act as allergens. That is why, a nursing mother has a question: "Can I eat plums?".

What are the benefits of plums?

Plums contain a large number of vitamins and microelements, among which are such as A, C, B and PP. During breastfeeding, the benefits of plum for a nursing mother are priceless. Its use in food promotes the activation of intestinal peristalsis, and, moreover, prevents the possibility of anemia. At the same time, the plum does not lose its properties in dried form. Therefore, even in winter it can be eaten in the form of compotes.

Plums with breastfeeding

As you know, plums have a laxative effect, so when breastfeeding, they need to be taken with caution. Another thing is when the baby is constipated . Then, nursing mother can safely eat a plum, which will help to cope with this problem. However, it is very important not to overdo it, otherwise there will be a reverse effect, and my mother will already think about how to deal with diarrhea .

Using plums when breastfeeding, it is very important to pay attention to their quality. So, quite often this fruit is infected with a pest, as a result of which it becomes inedible. Therefore, before purchasing plums, the nursing mother should examine them - are they not spoiled.

Also you should not forget about the number of used plums. It is necessary to take into account such a regularity: the smaller the age of a child, the smaller the portion of plums eaten by the nursing mother should be. It is necessary to start with 1 berries, after which it is necessary to follow the reaction of the baby. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that it is not possible to introduce several new products at the same time, otherwise it will be difficult to determine the reaction of the organism to the drain. In order to save the baby from constipation, it is enough to include 2-3 fetuses in the diet.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether nursing plums can be positive, but use them is with great caution. It is very important to adhere to the above rules and conditions. Otherwise, there is a high probability of diarrhea in the baby.