The child fell and hit his head

The development of the child is inevitably associated with falls and injuries, but what if the child fell and hit his head, not every parent knows. The very first rule is to remain calm and cold-blooded (although it is not easy) to adequately assess the child's condition and take the right measures. First of all, try to understand where the child fell, what it landed on, and what it hit.

In the event that a child falls and hits his head or nose, but nothing changes in his behavior (does not lose consciousness, answers questions), except for the formation of "cones" or bruising, we can ascertain the contusion of the soft tissues of the head, in which no consultation of the doctor , most likely, not needed.

When do I need to see a doctor immediately?

Sometimes moms think that if a child falls and bumps his forehead, then it's not so dangerous than falling and striking the back of the head. In fact, not so important is the place that the child hit, the further actions depend on the degree of impact. If the child falls head first, then the trauma of the brain and skull is a particular danger.

Concussion can be determined by the following signs: loss of consciousness, vomiting, pallor. The child is drowsy and sluggish, refuses to eat and complains of a headache and a noise in the ears.

With a brain contusion, the child loses consciousness for a long time (more than an hour). With a skull fracture, consciousness and heart activity are disturbed. Blood can flow from the nose or ear, bruises under the eyes.

The appearance of the following symptoms requires immediate medical attention:

What should I do if my child falls?

  1. If the child has fallen from a height, but no obvious damage to the bones is observed, then a towel moistened in cold water or pieces of people wrapped in cloth should be applied to the impact site. This will help to remove swelling, stop bleeding and reduce pain.
  2. Provide the child peace, but do not let him fall asleep within an hour after the fall - this will help you to adequately assess his condition.
  3. If the child has fallen and has lost consciousness, then before coming ambulance, put it on his side so that in case of vomiting he does not choke. Turning the child should be extremely careful (the trunk and head should be on the same axis), if there is a chance of damage to the spine.

Is it dangerous to fall a newborn?

It is difficult to find a newborn child who would not fall off the bed or sofa at least once in the first year of life. Thanks to the structure of the skull, as well as the presence of fontanel and cushioning fluid, which soften the blow naturally, in most cases, the fall does not entail any negative consequences. After the fall, you must ensure maximum rest during the day and carefully observe the behavior of the baby. Moms are especially afraid of possible internal injuries, but if the behavior of the baby has not changed after the fall, then serious injuries are unlikely.

Prevention of falls

  1. Parents should predict in advance the appearance of new motor skills in toddlers. (even a one-month-old baby can push off legs from the side of the crib or direction finder, not to mention a half-year old baby who learns crawling and getting up on the legs).
  2. Leaving the room, do not leave the child on any hill - it is better to put it on the floor.
  3. Always fasten your baby in a stroller.
  4. Do not leave the baby unattended in the "jumpers" and "walkers."