How to reduce the volume of the stomach naturally - the best options

Often a person can not lose weight only because he experiences a constant feeling of hunger and is not able to follow a diet. Sometimes this is due to the fact that his stomach is stretched, so a small amount of food does not cause satiety. Eliminate this problem in several ways - home and specialized (surgical).

What is the stomach volume of an adult?

Answer exactly this question is impossible, because the indicator depends on the build, height and weight. On average, the volume of the human stomach during the fasting period is approximately 0.5 liters. And after eating, it can stretch to 1 liter, depending on what portion of food was consumed and how much liquid was drunk. Physiologists say that the average stomach volume of an adult person is from 0.5 to 1.5 liters. But these data are incorrect for people with obesity and regularly overeating, they will have higher indicators and can reach 4 liters.

How quickly does the volume of the stomach decrease?

It will not work in a couple of days. A person who wants to cope with this problem, we must tune in to the fact that for the appearance of the first results will have to wait at least 2 weeks. Similarly, for how long the stomach volume is reduced in each specific case, you can only visit the doctor. He will determine the degree of stretch, will help to choose the most effective method, because there are several ways by which you can get rid of the problem.

How to reduce the volume of the stomach:

  1. Compliance with a special diet.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Surgical methods.
  4. Changing habits, schedule meals and drinks.

How to reduce the volume of the stomach naturally?

These methods are the most sparing and simple. But they are not suitable for those who have a stomach too much (3-4 liters and more exceeds the norm). To achieve the effect of using these methods, you will have to change your eating habits and fluids. The result will be visible after 2-4 weeks, so you need to be patient and methodically follow the recommendations.

How to reduce the volume of the stomach by natural methods:

  1. Eat small meals, but often . Doctors recommend to break the daily ration for 5-7 receptions, each of which does not exceed 200 g of food.
  2. Do not drink down food . Between meals and drinks must pass at least 30 minutes.
  3. Eat more fiber (bran or loaves with them are good).

How to reduce the volume of the stomach - diet

This method is also considered sparing. The diet to reduce the volume of the stomach is observed for 2-4 weeks, after which you can switch to the usual diet, necessarily reducing portions. The nutrition plan in this case is easy to build independently, based on a number of principles. To apply for the development of a diet to a specialist is not required.

How to reduce the volume of the stomach with diet:

  1. On the day there should be 6 meals, 3 large and 3 snacks.
  2. The basis of the diet - protein and fiber-containing dishes. Suitable white meat and fish, sour-milk products , vegetable salads and stew, soups.
  3. Portion does not exceed 200 g.
  4. Drinks can be consumed half an hour after eating.

Exercises to reduce the volume of the stomach

Strong abdominal muscles also contribute to solving the problem. In this case, the decrease in the volume of the stomach is due to the fact that its tissues become more elastic, easily return the habitual form. To achieve this result, you have to strain the muscles of the press, do twists, lift the body from a prone position. Doctors do not advise using this method for those who have too much excess weight and who are diagnosed with obesity, because this can lead to health problems.

Respiratory exercises to reduce the stomach

This is a simple exercise doctors recommend to do to all people, not just those who suffer from excess weight . They help not only reduce the volume of the stomach, but also strengthen the abdominal wall. It's easy to do gymnastics. It is necessary to stand up straight, and as much as possible to draw air into the lungs, the muscles of the press are slightly strained at the same time. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds, then exhale, belly retracts and strains. This position of the muscles of the press is fixed for 0.5 minutes. To repeat exercise it is necessary 5-7 times for 1-2 hours before meal, it is desirable to do or make it or him in the morning and in the evening.

Ascorbic acid to reduce the volume of the stomach

Doctors say that vitamin C can not affect the elimination of such a problem. Therefore, with the help of ascorbic acid it will not be possible to get rid of excess kilograms. Scientifically proven that the excess of vitamin C will only exacerbate the situation, because it irritates the mucous membrane, leads to gastritis and the appearance of kidney stones. In order to both reduce the appetite and volume of the stomach, and lose weight, you need:

  1. Follow the diet.
  2. Do the exercises.
  3. Reduce portions of the daily diet.

Reducing the volume of the stomach - the subconscious

Psychologists say that eliminating the problem of overeating depends on the mood of a person. Reduce the volume of the stomach will help both compliance with the diet, and the correct motivation. You need to adjust yourself to the restrictions, there is only when there is a feeling of hunger , and not the desire to pamper yourself with delicious. The volume of the human stomach increases gradually. Therefore, it is important to monitor the size of portions, to understand that jamming the problem is not an option.

Pills for reducing stomach

It is not recommended to take such medications independently. They are prescribed only by a doctor. These funds not so much help to reduce the stomach, how many suppress the appetite. But they have a very negative impact on human health, so specialists do not advise taking them. Here are just a few facts that testify about the harm of such funds:

  1. Negative influence on the nervous system, leading to disturbances in sleep, apathy, depression and the appearance of irritability.
  2. Violation of metabolic processes, leading to hair loss, deterioration of the skin.
  3. Irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.
  4. The appearance of diarrhea.
  5. Quick return of lost pounds.

The only positive effect of such drugs is a decrease in appetite, a significant reduction in the stomach without surgery with the help of these funds is impossible. Doctors sometimes prescribe them, but taking pills in this case is done under the supervision of a specialist, the duration of the course is also set by him. Such measures are taken to treat obesity of the last degree, because a person with a similar diagnosis often simply can not control his appetite.

Surgery to reduce the stomach

It is prescribed only by a specialist for people whose BMI exceeds 40. These surgical methods help, how to reduce the stomach to eat less, and quickly lose weight. Operation is an extreme measure, which is only used when there are medical indicators. Use it, if there is an opportunity to eliminate the problem without surgery, not a single doctor will advise. There are three options for surgery to reduce the volume of the stomach:

  1. Ballooning . In the stomach is placed a special bag that fills the space.
  2. Banding . The stomach is girdled with a special ring, which is put on for life.
  3. Clipping . The very name of the operation already indicates that the basis of the method lies in the fact that part of the stomach is surgically removed.

All listed methods are dangerous. They are used only if excess weight has become a threat to the health of the patient to a very large extent. In other cases it is recommended to use more gentle methods. Doctors advise to regularly monitor the amount of eaten portions and weight even for those who do not suffer from obesity. Only in this way will it be possible to maintain health and not become a patient of a nutritionist or surgeon.