Hortensia at home

The bright hydrangea attracts the beauty and refinement of large inflorescences. Often a beautiful flower is grown in the garden, but many want to grow a hydrangea at home on the windowsill. To do this is not so difficult, the main thing is to know the characteristics of care. Well, we'll talk about growing hydrangeas at home.

Care for hydrangea

Usually, as a pet, a large-leaved hydrangea is grown at home, a hydrangea in the room . It is a half-shrub up to 1.5 m high with large jagged leaves 12 cm long. The flower begins to blossom from spring to autumn, and in winter it begins a period of rest. Garden representatives are more branched and tall. But, nevertheless, hydrangea garden in the home to grow quite possible. And the features of care are almost identical.

A flowerpot should be placed in a well-lit place, but 2-3 m from the window. Hortense does not like sudden temperature changes and drafts. The optimum temperature in the room is + 16- + 22 degrees. In winter, before February, both the room and garden hydrangeas should be placed in the basement, where the air temperature does not exceed + 7- + 9 degrees.

The flower hydrangeas at home is very important correct watering. Dilute water of room temperature is used. In the summer, water abundantly and regularly, in the winter, rarely, just not allowing the soil to dry out. Occasionally, add a little lemon juice to the water, this will protect the hydrangea from the yellowing of the leaves. In addition, the plant needs frequent spraying.

Since the hydrangea vegetation period, growth and flowering requires the addition of complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.

Transplantation and reproduction of hydrangeas at home

When planting and replanting hydrangeas at home, a substrate with good drainage properties is used. Prepare a mixture of sand, peat, leaf soil, turf soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 3: 3. If desired, you can use a ready-made substrate for flowering plants. When planting on the bottom of the pot necessarily place a layer of drainage (expanded clay, pebbles). By the way, hydrangeas will need a wide pot because of the peculiarities of its root system.

As for the reproduction of hydrangeas, it is carried out in two ways - by dividing the bush and cuttings. With the latter method, green cuttings 7-8 cm long with 2-3 internodes are trimmed in February. They are then placed in a peat-sand mixture and placed in a room with +18- + 20 degrees. You can take root in plants in April. Division of a bush is better to spend at a transplantation in the spring.