Jam from black chokeberry - good and bad

Many even do not know that near their house a real treasure is growing - chokeberry. Juicy berries with pleasant sourness are used in cooking in different dishes, including for the preparation of jam, which is not only tasty, but also useful.

Benefits and harm of jam from black chokeberry

The composition of berries includes fructose, glucose, carotene, vitamins , minerals, pectins, tannins, etc. Even after heat treatment, many substances remain. To prove the properties of this plant, many experiments were carried out.

The use of jam from black chokeberry:

  1. The composition of berries is a lot of iodine, so they are recommended to people who quickly become tired, face bleeding gums and other problems associated with a lack of iodine.
  2. Fruits contain many pectins that are able to purify the body of heavy metals and other harmful substances. In addition, they have a positive effect on the digestive system.
  3. Finding out if jam from aronia ashberry is useful, it is worth noting that it is recommended for people with low acidity, since the composition includes organic compounds that facilitate the process of digestion. If you eat a little jam during a plentiful meal, you can avoid feelings of heaviness and other problems.
  4. Sweetness has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular system.

It is important to know not only the use of jam blackberry rowan, but its contraindications. You can not eat it hypotonic, because pressure can seriously fall. Harm jam can bring with gastritis, ulcers and frequent intestinal disorders, as well as with increased blood clotting and diabetes . Do not exclude the possibility of individual intolerance.