What is useful for the kidneys?

Each organ in the human body has its own specific function and all of them work in conjunction. That is, if there is a malfunction in the work of one, the function is disorganized and all the others. The kidneys serve as filters, that is, they purify the blood, so it is very important to know what is good for the kidneys, to feel good and to remain vigorous and long-lasting.

Useful for the kidneys

First of all, it must be said that the kidneys love it warmly. Even eating properly and doing sports, you can suffer from the diseases of this body, regularly chilling it. Therefore, you need to dress on the weather, but who wants to temper, it should be done gradually. And even at least once a week, it is recommended to go to a sauna or a sauna. The contrast of temperatures activates the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, enhances the exchange of proteins, minerals and gases. The body is intensively freed from decay products, lactic acid, urea and others. The benefit of the bath is also that while salts and other unnecessary elements are removed along with sweat, the burden on the kidneys decreases and they rest.

Since we are talking about sports, the well-known expression: "Movement is life" can not be better applied to kidneys. However, we are not talking about hard physical labor, but about exercises that will improve blood circulation, and hence the work of the kidneys. You can dance and run, it's very useful to swim. But, perhaps, the greatest joy to the kidneys can bring a plentiful drink. It is water that allows this body to cleanse the body with the greatest efficiency, relieve it of swelling, increased blood pressure and thickening. It is not accidental that people with urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and other diseases are recommended to drink more liquid and eat products with a diuretic effect.

Those who are interested in what kind of tea is useful for the kidneys, it is worth paying attention to a weak green or crocade. Doctors recommend drinking natural juices - carrot, pumpkin, plum, made from black currant, apples, celery, parsley and spinach. But the first in this list is to put an infusion of dog rose, which has a powerful diuretic effect. It is worth mentioning the juice of cranberries, but for those who are interested in how useful it is for the kidneys, it should be answered that it acts as a prevention of stone formation, has a strong bactericidal effect and has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

What foods are good for the kidneys of a person?

This is primarily vegetables, greens and fruits - sweet pepper, carrots, asparagus, sea buckthorn, spinach, dill, coriander, parsley, watermelon, melon, asparagus, onions, celery . It is most difficult for the kidneys to process protein, so it is necessary to enrich the diet with such care, preferring the lion's share to get from sour milk and milk. Fatty meat and rich broths to exclude, but from those products that are useful for the kidneys, choose low-fat meat, such as beef, rabbit or veal. They are recommended to boil or bake.

But in the use of fatty fish, you can not limit yourself, especially red, because it has a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids. What kidneys do not like the most, is salt and various brines, vinegar and spices similar to it. That is, those who want to facilitate the work of the kidneys will have to give up canned vegetables and salted fish, but natural seasonings and spices useful for the kidneys can be used - sweet pepper, basil , rosemary, oregano, sage, thyme, etc. Accordingly, from ration will have to exclude rich in essential oils - onions, radish, garlic, radish, etc. Periodically, you can clean this organ, for example, in the spring-autumn period, drink the course of renal collection, leaves of cranberries, grass half-pala.