Almond milk is good and bad

Almond milk is a drink that is very similar to soy milk and used since the Middle Ages. Its main advantage lies in the possibility of keeping the freshness for a long time without a low temperature. Below we will talk about the benefits and harms of almond milk, as well as its properties.

Useful properties of almond milk

The use of almond milk is primarily ensured by the lack of lactose in its composition, which causes harm to health, provoking allergic reactions and increased cholesterol. Calcium, which is contained in almond milk in large quantities, has a beneficial effect on the human bone system, as well as the state of teeth, hair and nails.

Contains almond milk and phosphorus , which is involved in the regeneration of bone tissue, as well as magnesium - a mineral, necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. This drink is also rich in manganese, zinc, copper and other useful substances. And this is not all useful properties of almond milk.

Regular consumption of milk contributes to weight loss, which is due to its low caloric content. In almond milk contains a large number of omega fatty acids, which normalizes blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease. Very useful almond milk for people suffering from diabetes. This drink does not raise the level of sugar in the blood and can even reduce the risk of this disease. Regular use of milk makes muscles stronger. The fiber content in almond milk promotes digestion, and vitamin A - improves vision.

This drink is very useful for pregnant women and children. Also, almond milk will improve a person's condition with pneumonia, inflammation of the respiratory tract and headaches.

In addition, almond milk is widely used in cosmetology, with the goal of purifying and softening the skin. This drink can be washed and wiped.

Harm of almond milk

Often in food almond milk is added such a food additive, as carrageenan, obtained from red seaweed. The use of such a drink can lead to gastrointestinal inflammation, worsen the course of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and coronary heart disease, as well as the development of cancer.