What are the struggles like?

Many pioneers are worried about the pain that comes with bouts, how fights are felt and whether they can be missed. Before answering these questions, we shall understand the nature of the fights themselves and the reasons for their development.

So, contractions are contractions of the muscles of the uterus, alternating with their relaxation. They arise in the first stage of childbirth, when the cervix is ​​opened. Over time, irregular before this fight begins to appear at regular intervals, and these intervals are gradually reduced.

Feelings in bouts

Sensations during the first bouts appear at the upper point of the uterus, then spreading down all the muscles. Sometimes the pain starts from the waist and constantly flows to the stomach. Thus the woman feels as though a tension of muscles which weakens after achievement of the next peak. In the early stages of the struggle, discomfort rather than pain is more likely. What the first fights look like - on pain during menstruation or drawing a toothache.

As the process of childbirth progresses, pain sensations increase, contractions become more intense, and the intervals between them are shorter. As a result, at their peak, sensations during fights are perceived as a continuous painful flow from the back to the tips of the toes. On the question whether fights can be painless, giving birth to women confidently answer - no. Unless at the very beginning with the first manifestations of contractions. The difference is more in the intensity of these sensations and in the ability of the woman herself to suffer pain.

What happens during labor?

After each contraction the uterus becomes smaller in size, its cavity is shortened and as a result the child moves along the birth canal. What do fights look like in this period? A woman feels how the fight starts at the upper point of the uterus, gradually spreading downward. During fights, the stress of the uterine walls is felt and their gradual relaxation.

Why do I need to record time during fights?

At the beginning of labor, the duration of the bout can be as low as 20-30 seconds, while the pause between them lasts about half an hour. The timing of pauses is necessary in order for the midwife to correctly determine at what stage the childbirth is at the moment.

It is necessary to detect from the first moment of the attack of pain and until the last second, until it ceases. This is the duration of the bout. In order to find the frequency of the contraction, record the time of pauses between contractions. These pauses may vary slightly, but their length is always approximately the same. To determine the average duration of a pause, you need to mark the time of 4 fights, and the sum of the results obtained is divided by 4.

As the child's birth moment approaches, the fights intensify both in frequency and intensity. When the fights become long (40-60 seconds), and the pauses between them are reduced to 3-4 minutes, this indicates the imminent beginning of attempts and the birth of a child. At such intensity of fights it is already dangerous to stay at home, if you do not want to give birth on the way to the hospital.

Another important question that interests future mothers is what should happen first: to withdraw water or to start contractions. There is no unequivocal answer to this question, because all this happens in different ways. Most often the first water flows and only after this the first bouts begin. But it also happens that the battles reach their climax, and the waters are still not gone.

In the first case, the drainage of water stimulates the growth of fights. But if the waters are gone, and there are still no fights, you need to go to the hospital, where, most likely, contractions will have to be induced artificially, since a child can not be without amniotic fluid for a long time.

In the opposite case, when there are fights, but the waters do not go away in time, the doctor decides to pierce the amniotic fluid and cause the outflow of water. This procedure is absolutely painless and leads to an acceleration of labor.