Plastic windows on the balcony

The glazing of the balcony with plastic windows is a very time-consuming and rather expensive procedure. However, if there is such a need, then this can not be avoided. Old windows have already served their time and require replacement. It is best to carry out glazing with plastic windows during the general repair on the balcony, for example after finishing the walls with plaster. The fact is that carrying out such work is accompanied by a large amount of dust and dirt, which does not bring joy to the household, especially the hostess. Therefore, if you carry out such repairs, then once and thoroughly. But what are the plastic windows you need to choose for glazing the balcony, so that in the end all expectations of the owners were justified and everything worked properly?

What plastic windows to choose for balcony glazing?

First of all, it should be said that plastic windows are divided into subspecies in the following categories:

  1. Dimensions;
  2. Form and design;
  3. Number of leaflets;
  4. Type of opening;
  5. Profile type;
  6. Type of double-glazed windows.

Each of these six categories is very important when choosing a window. In order to correctly identify the required requirements for each category, you must first determine for what purpose the balcony will be used. If it will serve as a warehouse for things that do not fit in the apartment, then a single-winged single-glazed double-glazed unit is sufficient. If you want to use the balcony as an office or a continuation of the room, then you need to take care of the heat and noise insulation. The second option will certainly be more expensive than the first. Also the price and quality are affected by the material from which the profile is made. The better and more durable, the more expensive.

It is worth noting that an important role in the operation of windows is played by such factor as the type of their opening. If there is a need to save space on the balcony and exclude the blind area with the standard opening of the plastic window, then you can use for this case a sliding mechanism.