Sex with thrush

Combining the treatment of vaginal candidiasis and sex life with the right approach is entirely possible. Engaging in sex with a thrush is not all solved, because one of the symptoms is a painful feeling in a woman. In other cases, it is sufficient to adhere to certain rules.

Sex during thrush

The first thing you need to understand is that the condom is now obliged to become your constant companion for romantic encounters. Since candidiasis is transmitted sexually, only the barrier method of contraception is effective. You can pass the candidiasis of the genital organs to your partner, and he, in turn, will remain in complete ignorance and continue the chain. The fact is that thrush in men is most often asymptomatic.

If you still doubt, you can have sex with a thrush, consult your doctor. Quite often, the vaginal mucosa becomes candid at candidiasis and acquires edematous character, because it is easily traumatized. As a result, microtrauma can further exacerbate the disease and take much longer to treat.

By the way, anal sex and thrush "old friends." If you decide to try something new in your intimate life, then it should be done according to all the rules. Remember that the alternate penetration into both holes will entail various inflammations in the sexual sphere.

As for oral sex with thrush, it should also be excluded. Fungi of the genus Candida multiply perfectly in the oral cavity.

It is worth remembering that sex during thrush can lead to the spread of the disease in the urinary system. As a rule, a woman begins cystitis. In addition, the use of a condom does not exclude this possibility. Then the question of whether it is possible for a thrush to have sex does not arise at all, since a woman will simply be hurt.

Sex with treatment of thrush: basic rules

If you or your partner have been diagnosed with candidiasis, the following recommendations should be adhered to: